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Apr. 9th, 2023|04:32 pm

I don’t want to dip too much into American politics, but I will say that Silver Legion efforts were involved to remove the fraud from the election. Interfering with the election results (supporting a particular candidate directly) would have been unethical – this is to be the choice of the American people and no one else – but we saw removing fraud as fair game. The actual election results aligned fairly closely with what my upstairs people told me – that about 60% of the civilian population and 90% of the military population supported Trump at the time of the election (whether or not they still do is another matter). Trump is not a particularly likeable person to most – he tends a bit to buffoonery and a lot of arrogance among other things, but we can confirm that he is not directly a member of the Cabal. To what extent he opposes the Cabal objectives, I don’t personally know, but my contacts upstairs seem to think he’s on the side of the people, not the monsters. We know he has some kind of connection to Altair, which was a system that had been conquered by the Nazis and recently freed themselves in 2013. We know he absolutely hates Nazis (it’s part of why he loathed his opponent so much and so genuinely). We do not know what he’s planning or to what extent he intends to be on the side of humanity. He’s made some moves that we think are pretty stupid and which have antagonized our actual allies (like a certain Russian president). My personal stance on Trump is ‘I’m going to wait and see before I freak out about anything’, although I personally disagree with a number of his policies, and upstairs seems to think he’s more or less OK for the most part. No one is perfect, but they view Trump as doing more good than harm.
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