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Jan. 14th, 2022|04:10 pm

On Earth, a special situation occurred. An additional spiritual layer which obscured and made ‘distant’ the Source-connection was overlaid around the planet and tied to the collective consciousness of the people living on that planet (us). This was designed, created, and put into place covertly by hostile ET/ED species who had an exceptionally long-term plan in mind for this planet and its people. This was integrated into the ‘Matrix and Veil’ apparatus that they created to overlay our planet and control our reincarnation and perception of our living reality. This layer made our Source connections obscure to our conscious perceptions, and hard to feel and sense, and easy to confuse for something else. Those connections are still there - as I said, they cannot be broken - but they have been obscured. This overlay was combined with direct manipulation of our genetic code in order to instill in us a prevailing psychological need for belief. This was done deliberately, to aid in the process of getting us to switch our spiritual attachments from our true creator, our Source, to whatever intermediary the invading hostile ETs (who were in turn agents of a long chain of manipulators that go straight back to Alternate) wished to promote. It was passed off as an exceptional challenge which would strengthen the people who took it, leading to some distant future where ultimately they would emerge stronger and more connected to Source than ever before – but the true intent was to sever that connection once and for all, not to challenge us to make us stronger.

The pathological need for belief instilled within us included not only the need itself but the psychological requirement to fix those beliefs as relatively static and to defend - violently if necessary - against challenges to those beliefs. It wouldn’t necessarily matter what that belief was, if it was instilled at the right time in an individual’s stage of development, that individual would likely go throughout their life defending that belief and attempting to co-opt others into it. In that way, it was designed to be self-perpetuating and also to encourage divisiveness and suspicion or aggression to those who were not already part of the individual’s social or cultural ‘tribe’. This divisiveness prevents human beings from ever rallying in large groups to oppose the hostile ET control. We’re thus too busy arguing and killing each other over things that don’t exist to step up and unite against the ones causing the trouble.

In addition to creating social divisiveness and preventing coordinated actions, this alteration also made it easy for hostile ETs to pose as ‘gods’ and be believed, worshipped, and obeyed by a primed, naive humanity. This made it easy to trick, manipulate, and enslave the human population of Earth. It also allowed these hostile ETs to carry out proxy wars against one another (because they are also not unified in intent and have a great deal of infighting) using Terran humans as cannon fodder. It allowed them to live very comfortable lives, with humans as labour slaves, entertainment, and sometimes food.
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