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Jan. 7th, 2022|11:09 pm

The people behind Hillary Clinton are the bloodlines, who report ultimately to Baron Evelyn de Rothschild as well as to the old Italian aristocracy behind the P2 Freemason lodge. This can be confirmed by endorsements from bloodline controlled media such as the Economist Magazine owned by the Rothschilds and the P2 Agnelli brothers. It can also be confirmed by wikileaks e-mails showing Hillary Clinton is intimately subservient to Lynn Forest de Rothschild, who is the wife of Baron Rothschild.

The main source of the bloodlines’ power is their control of the process for creating and distributing money, ie their ownership of most of the world’s central banks. They have used this money power to bribe, blackmail and assassinate people at the top levels of power in order to ensure their control. They also control the corporate media and have been using every propaganda tool in their hands to create the appearance that Hillary Clinton will win a close race against Donald Trump. You can also confirm this by holding your nose and watching election coverage on CNN also known as the Clinton News Network.

The people behind Donald Trump include the gnostic illuminati, who recruit geniuses of each age who are not part of the ruling bloodlines, sources in the illuminati say. The illuminati favour meritocracy and, since the world’s government agencies and military are meritocratic, it means they control most of the people with guns with the exception of a few mercenaries on the bloodline payrolls.

Direct reporting from a White Dragon Society member in the US also reveals overwhelming support for Donald Trump at the street level. Here is his report:

“I went to a Hillary ‘rally’ two weeks ago…there might have been 1500 people tops. On Friday night I went to a Trump rally in Hershey PA. It filled up a hockey arena, at least 15,000, plus 7000 outside…Trump is turning rednecks into peaceniks. Hillary is turning dovish liberals into warmongering self-loathing retards.”

This is what Pentagon sources had to say about the US Presidential election:

“The election will be allowed to proceed to not spook the public so vote fraud and other crimes will be exposed. Immediately thereafter the Republic will be announced, Hillary and cabal arrested, and corrupt agencies like FRB, DOJ, FBI, IRS, DHS and CIA abolished or reformed.”
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