Aug. 1st, 2021|11:11 am |
Richard – A lot of people say that it’s necessary for evolution to experience negativity, would you agree with that? COBRA – I would absolutely not agree. That was a teaching that was disseminated by the Archons to keep people enslaved. It is absolutely not necessary and it is harmful for the development. Richard – Cobra, will you explain the origin and purpose and importance of the Laws of Karma? COBRA – The law of Karma is an artificial construct which was created by the Archons to control and enslave spiritually control and enslave beings, entities in this quarantine status and usually explanation of Law of Karma is if you have done something you have consequences one way or the other. It is a distorted interpretation of the law of manifestation. Of course your actions have consequences but it is not true that we are now experiencing certain bad things because we have done something in one of our past lifetimes. We are experiencing bad things because this planet is occupied and somebody is doing those bad things and we have to resist. And we have to liberate the planet so those things will not happen anymore. |