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Jul. 4th, 2021|12:03 pm

This one is a particularly contentious one. Like a lot of popular New Age concepts, it’s a rebranding and twisting of something very real. The Law of One states that at some level we are all one, all the same being. This is technically true, in that we are all part of Source – in this universe, we all issue from the same being and that is our Source. In other universes, we issue from other beings – the Sources of those universes. Ultimately, we, as consciousnesses, transcend universes – we exist in and of ourselves as eternal beings, created by none, beholden to none, and belonging to none but ourselves – but we do all our experiencing within universes in which we all stem from one Source while we are part of that universe. When our vessels of experiencing cease to be (in other words, we die, or whatever process that halting might take at whatever particular expression we’re in), we return to being a part of the Source Consciousness, before spinning out again to experience again. We continue this process until we tire of it and stop doing it, or the universe perishes, whichever comes first. But we are all equal expressions of the same Source. That’s what the Law of One truly is – we are all part of One Source and all of us are connected to the Tree of Life, and are part of Existence. That’s it.

However, of course, this concept has filtered down to us with a heck of a lot of nasty, disempowering baggage, and some really horrible stuff passed off as natural, normal stuff ‘the way things should be’. There are a lot of people quoting various suppositions about the Law of One, and a lot of these things are very harmful. For instance, the notion that we are all One is often used to excuse the behaviour of abusive entities – tying in with the notion that we co-create our experience, the actions of these beings are excused as something we agreed upon or chose and that we should endure without complaint or attempting to change what we don’t like, because since we are ‘One’, the bad guys are as much us as we are. Suffering for the pleasure of nasty entities gets reframed as assisting our own selves, when anyone with a brain can see that it’s anything but. Absolutely nowhere is it demanded of us that we cater to the whims of abusive beings, just because we all come from the same Source. What they choose to do is their choice – we are free to oppose those choices and demonstrate the consequence portion of choices. No one is ever obligated to suffer at the hands of another simply because at some point we were all part of the same being. Period.
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