Afīna Kedavra
05 July 2010 @ 08:16 pm
my long walk around the many alleys of blogsphere and such-like spacey places made me stumble upon something I really, truly wanna have in my hands, like, right frackin' now. Behold, Skinny Bitch and accompanying Skinny Bitch in the Kitch: Kick-Ass Recipes for Hungry Girls Who Want to Stop Cooking Crap (and Start Looking Hot!). Love the writing style (as far as Amazon's Look Inside has let me check out), crave the info. Wanna have my big money already!
Current Mood: bouncy
Current Music: Bear McCreary - Kara Remembers
Afīna Kedavra
05 July 2010 @ 04:44 pm
I strolled all over the Net reading stuff about health, diet, vegetarianism and writing. In English mostly, hence me writing this in the language as well, as it is know I have problems to switch off the adored Brit-talk.

Anyways, my latest find is a blog about writing things from blogs to novels and whatnot. Knowing me, I'll be off to find more such like blogs to add my blogroll soon after, cuz I get obsessed if I enjoy something.

Among other things, the authors speak 'bout boosting your creativity, awakening your inner-writer-demon, unleashing your creative juices.. well, you get my point.

What resurfaces numerous times is coffee. Drinking coffee a lot. I mean, GALLONS.
Oh, well, nice, at least I have something to qualify as a writer's trait. Yay, me!

And with a real thunder-sound I stride off to read more stuff about stuff.
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Current Mood: creative