Afīna Kedavra ([info]shyzo) wrote on August 29th, 2007 at 09:39 pm
Kaut kādu thingie malfunction rezultātā O'Nīls kļuvis neredzams un negrib atkal atgūt citiem redzamu izskatu...

Colonel O'Neill: The bottom line is, I can do more for this planet invisible than I ever could as my own sweet salient self.
Teal'c: I assume I am staring at you stoically.
Col O'Neill: Not buying it, eh?
Teal'c: You are most transparent, O'Neill.
Col O'Neill: Ohh! I get it. Good one.
Teal'c: I can see right through you.
Colonel O'Neill: Don't push it...
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