Afīna Kedavra ([info]shyzo) wrote on August 23rd, 2007 at 08:41 am
dienas SG-1 citāts
[Chaka is dragging a captured and exhausted Jackson through the woods]

Dr. Jackson: Okay, I know it seems completely unlikely that you understand a word I'm saying but, uh, I've gone about as far as I can go at this particular pace, so, with your permission, I'm going to fall down now. [collapses]

Chaka: [glares]

Dr. Jackson: Rest! This is a thing you should, uh, become familiar with. Rest… It means, uh… "rest."

Chaka: [growls]

Dr. Jackson: That's close. Try again: "grrrrest."

/Chaka ir tāds beastie, kuru sauc Unas. Vēsturiski viņa suga bija pirmai Goua'old hosti.
[Chaka is trying to get Daniel to eat.]

Chaka: Nan!

Dr. Jackson: Ka.

Chaka: Nan.

Dr. Jackson: Ka.

Chaka: Nan.

Dr. Jackson: Ka.

Chaka: Nan.

Dr. Jackson: Right. Uh, yes, uh, toss the symbiote head, that's very, very popular. Very, very interesting...Yes, all the kids are doing this...

[Dr. Jackson throws the symbiote head into the fire.]

Dr. Jackson: Uh! Look out... it's in the fire!

/ Ka unasu (?) valodā nozīmē gan nē, gan fui, gan vēl kaut ko (visiem vārdiem parasti ir vairākas nozīmes), savukārt nan ir opposite. Symbiote = primitīvs, hostu neieņēmis gūlds. Ugunskurā cepts. No šīs epizodes tad arī nāk jūzerpikčas domu grauds; Denijs pēc tam piedāvāja kaut kādu enerģijas batoniņu Čakam, ko jams no sākuma kritizēja, bet pēc tam atzina par gardumu esam.
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