Afīna Kedavra ([info]shyzo) wrote on August 22nd, 2007 at 09:04 pm
somethin' about guns ^^
1) Kā zats tika pie sava vārda/saīsinājuma?

O'Neill: Cool, what are these things? Teal'c picks up one of the small guns.
Teal'C: This is a Goa'uld, Zat'N'ktel, A weapon using a different form of energy, less powerful then that of a staff weapon. Less destructive, but still quite deadly.
O'Neill: Sweet. Pass-em out. What you call it?
Teal'C: Zat'N'ktel.
O'Neill: Right. Let's call it a Zat gun.

2) A kas ir ar takiem?

O'Neill: So Teal'c, how does one Goa'uld fire weapons from several directions?
Teal'C: Tacs.
O'Neill: Tac'nik'tels?
Teal'C: Tacuchnatagamuntorons.
[Jack stares at him]
Teal'C: Tacs.

Šeit gan kaut kā tā neloģiski skan, man liekas, ka epizodē O'Neill's vnk prasa Teal'C kas tie tādi, vai tādi vsp ir un kā sauc, bet kas tad esu es, lai strīdētos ar dižo Wikiquote?

3) Intari. Tie ir tādi ierocīši, kuris jaffa izmanto, trenējot jaunos kareivjus. Intari var izskatīties kā jebkuri normāli ieroči, vienīgā atšķirība ir tāda, ka to lādiņi ir viegls elektro impuls (?) vai kaut kas tāds un, P90 gadījumā, stobra galā ir sārkana lampiņa.

Carter: Teal'c, what about these?
Teal'C: They are intar.
O'Neill: Short for?
Teal'C: Intar.
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