"Years and Years is a new futuristic thriller series from the
BBC and HBO in the UK and the US respectively. The story begins in 2019
and will take us 15 years into the future. After two episodes, things
are looking very bleak indeed. There are also a lot of elements of sci-fi and several of the technological wonders (and problems related to them) become an intricate part of the plot. However, the story revolves around the Lyons family from Manchester which is more reminiscent of This is Us. We don’t get flashbacks but the storyline in Years and Years moves quickly and will span a decade and a half." [..]
Filma ir stāsts par nākotni, kadu to iedomājamies šobrīd... bet apzināti, vai nē, man tā likās arī ārkārtīgi ironisks veids, kā parādīt lietas, par ko cilvēki, tik ļoti cīnās piepildāmies.
(Nelielā sadaļa par 'koncetrāciju' un precīzā sakritība ar AOC komentāru patiesi šokēja un bija kā neliela nākotnes paredzēšana līdz burtam!).
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