Young William Shakespeare is a struggling playwright who tires of making
gloves in order to support his wife and three children. He travels to
London and sells one of his plays to a theatre owned by James Burbage.
In doing so, he befriends the rest of the company, pushes out the
previous playwright and falls in love with Burbage's daughter, Alice.
While seeking fame and fortune in London, Will keeps his Catholicism
secret from those who would threaten to kill him and exploit his
connection to the wanted Robert Southwell. As he makes a name for
himself, he finds that he is saddled with saving a dying theater company
and finding a place in a city that is hostile to his religion.
Šis noteikti ir šī gada labākais seriāls, ko izdevies gluži nejauši atrast.
Droši vien vēl ļoti ilgi jebkuram, kurš taujās pēc padoma, bez vilcināšanās teikšu - notici, ka ir tā vērts.
Bet īsumā - ja kādreiz man būtu uzdevums padarīt literatūras stundas skolā par mākslu un pielipināt citiem savu mīlestību pret Šekspīra darbiem - es noteikti sāktu ar šo seriālu - pat tad, ja viss ir izdoma, tas ļauj saredzēt tēlus dzīvojam mūsu pasaulē ar izsmalcinātu vēstures piedevu un punk-glam-rock mūzikas pavadījumu.
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