(Jessica Brown Findlay, who played Sybil Crawley in “Downton Abbey”)
is, we’re told in narration early on, “the oddest of oddballs,” a woman
with an obsessive-compulsive touch inside her small home but complete
disregard for yard maintenance. Her crotchety neighbor, Alfie,
growls at her about the “unmitigated eco-apocalypse” that used to be a
garden, but then again, he growls at everyone, including Vernon (Andrew
Scott), the young man who prepares his meals.
know how this kind of story goes — Bella and Alfie, the polar
opposites, warm to each other. Through gardening, he helps her come out
of her shell and make progress toward her goal of writing children’s
Mazliet atgādināja "Amélie, 2001", tikai pasakai līdzīgākā formā - ar skaistām sīkām detaļām, dažiem ļoti interesantiem salīdzinājumiem, tomēr man šķiet visvairāk pietrūka līdzpārdzīvojuma sajūtas.
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