"No one is more impatient with what he calls the “brisk banality” of television news than Freddie Lyon,
a brilliant, irascible and rebellious reporter. He grouses about the
coverage, sneering, “Martial law may have been imposed in Poland, and we
have footage of Prince Rainier on honeymoon with his showgirl.” (Some
things never change.) Bel Rowley, a beautiful, well-educated producer, is
Freddie’s best friend and protector. She’s one of very few women in so
high a position. (He calls her Moneypenny, a reference to the secretary
in James Bond novels that she only occasionally finds annoying.) Bel has
a promising career and a stunted social life; she keeps having affairs
with unavailable men. "
- norise 1950tajos gados, kas nosaka filmas toni - konstīmu un dekorāciju izvēlē;
- neirotisks, nelaimīgi iemīlējies, atbilžu meklētājs;
- eleganti/asprātīgi dialogi;
- laulības pārkāpšanas/aizliegtu attiecību/samierināšanās un spiegu stāsti
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