28 February 2019 @ 08:58 pm
And there I am. Finally starting to accept that loud, noisy environments just aren't for me. They make me really anxious and I can't hear a bloody thing, certainly not unless someone is looking me staright in the eyes and I can attempt some lip reading. So I went to the pub and had the guts to leave within 10 minutes or so.

It's interesting to focus on everything around you apart from what's in front of you. The side vision, the noises, the smells, the touch. It's used as a calming tactic to control breathing but it also makes for a good experiment taking in everything happening around you.

Now back in my hotel room I'm standing on the balcony. Looking down from the 7th floor triggers that tingling feeling in my body whenever I look over the edge.
Hotel has none of the British heath and safety features and I could easily end up over the edge. I appreciate the fact that they treat adults as such, though it's probably just the fact that the building is old enough to not need to comply with those standards. Mainly I'm looking down thinking, if I would have to climb down the building using balconies, would I be able to do it?