schizophrenic ([info]schizophrenic) wrote on January 5th, 2019 at 04:10 pm
Doing what one wants
Recently I've started to notice something that for me translates as a lack of respect (and empathy) in the relationships of others. It's the disregard for someone else's wishes and push towards activities they don't want to do. And I don't mean, don't feel like it right now, but actually DO NOT want to do full stop. But because the other half wants it, off we go... There is a degree of lack of respect and immaturity in trying to bully/forcefully convince someone rather than listening, trying to understand and look for a middle ground. Not sure if that's a lack of drawing a line and establishing what's acceptable and what's not early or feeling of entitlement to the other maybe? Would we ever let our friends treat us like that and would we ever dare to treat them that way. Just because someone has committed to a person does not give a permission to enforce activities.
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