09:16am 05/11/2015
  OK, turpinu sevi neieredzēt. Vienīgi šodien to varētu būt grūtāk realizēt, jo diena, izskatās, būs gaiša.
Filma Signs bija tas ko sāku skatīties vilcienā. Braucienā uz mājām to beigšu skatīties. Filma vnk ir superīga. Un šodien piefiksēju vienu dialogu starp galveno varonu un viņa brāli.

Atradu citātu (labākais ir tas ko saka tas otrs čalis):

... There are all different ways
you can tell that there's someone
really there watching out for us.
You see signs. Sometimes they're
little ones. You think of someone.
The phone rings. They're on the
phone... Sometimes they're big,
like fourteen lights hovering over
Mexico City.
Sure, there are a lot of people
watching this who think this could
be a bad thing. But there are a
lot of people watching this, who
think it's a miracle. A sign of
God's existence. It's all in how
you look at things Merrill.
What you have to decide is what
kind of person you are? Are you
the type who believes in miracles
and looks for signs or are you the
kind who believes, things just
happen by chance?

Beat. Merrill is deep in thought.

I was at this party once. I'm on a
couch with Sara Mckinney. She was
just sitting there, looking
beautiful and staring at me. I go
to lean in and kiss her and I
realize I have gum in my mouth. I
turn and take out the gum. Stuff
it in my paper cup next to the sofa
and turn around. Sara Mckinney
throws up all over herself.
I knew the second it happened. It
was a miracle. I could have been
kissing her when she threw up.
That would have scarred me for
life. I may never have recovered.