08:07am 27/05/2005 |
Šodien ir mūsu tikšanās gadadiena! Ir jau apritējis 1 gads. Un kurš gan sākumā būtu iedomājies, ka mēs būsim kopā un kur nu vēl par dzīvošanu kopā.
Varbūt to šodien nosvinēsim ar biljarda spēli Alā. |
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Diezgan tuvu patiesībai. |
08:53am 27/05/2005 |
| You scored as Idealist. Idealism centers around the belief that we are moving towards something greater. An odd mix of evolutionist and spiritualist, you see the divine within ourselves, waiting to emerge over time. Many religious traditions express how the divine spirit lost its identity, thus creating our world of turmoil, but in time it will find itself and all things will again become one.
Idealist | | 81% | Modernist | | 69% | Materialist | | 69% | Fundamentalist | | 63% | Cultural Creative | | 63% | Existentialist | | 63% | Postmodernist | | 50% | Romanticist | | 44% |
What is Your World View? (updated) created with QuizFarm.com |
Post |
08:53am 27/05/2005 |
A man ir vēl 2 jauni šoko papīriņi! Viens no Moldovas, otrs no Nīderlandes! Forši :) |
Post |
10:39am 27/05/2005 |
Datu sinhrinizācija ... brīžiem gut, bet šoreiz riktīgi slikti.
Gribas ēst. Un tā riktīgi. |
Read 4 - Post |