armands - February 17th, 2018 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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February 17th, 2018

#kef [Feb. 17th, 2018|12:48 am]
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par rakstīšanu [Feb. 17th, 2018|10:34 am]
“Online social networking is a pervasive but empirically understudied phenomenon. [..] The current study tested the psychological effects of posting status updates on Facebook using an experimental design.

For one week, participants in the experimental condition were asked to post more than they usually do, whereas participants in the control condition received no instructions.

Results revealed:

(1) that the experimentally-induced increase in status updating activity reduced loneliness,

(2) that the decrease in loneliness was due to participants feeling more connected to their friends on a daily basis and

(3) that the effect of posting on loneliness was independent of direct social feedback (i.e. responses) by friends.”

Why posting on Facebook could be good for you.
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black mirror [Feb. 17th, 2018|09:47 pm]
Black Mirror episode where the protagonist finds out surgeons use anesthesia so we don’t look inside and realize we’re robots.

Black Mirror episode where WiFi is actually a mesh network of visual cortex suppressants designed so we don’t see the lizard people who are really in charge.

Black Mirror episode where Black Mirror is a TV show in the universe and it zooms in until you realize the image in the TV is from a camera in your living room and you’re living in an episode of Black Mirror.

Black Mirror episode where a scientist discovers humans respond to mathematical formulas expressed in sound as pleasurable music because our minds are run in extra-dimensional computational engines who can only experience themselves through the edifice of our lower analog bodies.
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