rausitis [userpic]

Whats your political view.

September 2nd, 2004 (11:39 am)

Your Results:
We should have a goverment that only partially control its citizens. I say give a trusting leader 75percent and we have a great country.

rausitis [userpic]


September 1st, 2004 (02:16 pm)

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rausitis [userpic]

snowflakes as beautiful as these ... osho... :)

September 1st, 2004 (11:33 am)

Once a pilot communicated on the intercom to his passengers: "It seems everything has gone wrong. The radar is not functioning, the radio is out of order, even the compass has ceased to function. But dont be worried, we are keeping the same speed."

But this is what is happening to the modern mind: everything is out of order except speed....

what is time? It is very anxious state of mind. You are too much worried about the tomorrow...
If you want to create an empire of things, possesions, then BE IN A HURRY... but you will be lost.

rausitis [userpic]


September 1st, 2004 (11:27 am)

People come to me; they ask whether God exist or not. What are you going to do with God? Leave him to himself. If he exists, what are you going to do? If he doesn't exist, what will you do? It looks like your mind is not facing the real problems ans is avoiding them through imaginary problems.
God is an imaginary problem for you. Anger, sex, ego, passion , hate - they are the ral problems.

rausitis [userpic]

September 1st, 2004 (11:18 am)

you need very penetrating eyes to see the invisible continuity. The invisible continuity is God. If you can see, this is the same flower in a different body. Thats what Hindus call the theory if reincarnation. Cristianity, Judaism, Mohammedanism, they all miss the beauty of it, so all three religions by and by became materialistic. ..
I am here. You are here. You have been here milions of times before. It is an eternal recurrence: in different bodies, different shapes, but the continuity is the same. And we call that continuity the soul.
Death is a way to rejuvenate oneself again. You exhale, this is a wau to inhale again. ..

you ask the physiologists - they say the body dies and renews itself every moment. Every cell will die. ....

the ego is a plastic thing, but it looks permanent...
the ego has a certain quality - it is dead. ..
the ego is not individual. Ego is a socieal phenomenon : it is society, it is not you. ..

rausitis [userpic]

Osho - ...this is egoism...

September 1st, 2004 (11:11 am)

Societies can forgive criminals but thay cannot forgive Jesus and Socrates - thats impossible. And these people are almost impossible. You cannot do anything about them because they are not wrong. And if you try to understand them, they will cover you - you cannot cover them. So it it better to cover them imediately. The moment the society becomes aware it kills them imediately, because if you listen to them there is danger - if you listen to them you will be converted. ..You canot put them into prisons, because there also they will remain inrelationship with the society. They will exist. Just their existance is too much - they have to be murdered. And then, when priest take over, then there is no problem. The pope of Vatican is part of the society; Jesus never was.

rausitis [userpic]

September 1st, 2004 (11:08 am)

a) vai nu es esmu laba, bet nespeju tada but, jo vieglak ir but sliktai, bet tas man traucee, jo tadejadi rodas DUAlitate.. starp iekshejo un arejo, ja nesakrit , var sakjert shizofreniju

b)vai nu es patiesham esmu slikta, bet izliekos laba ... hmm

rausitis [userpic]

Matrix Revolutions (nekaada sakara ar turpmak klaastiito)

August 31st, 2004 (12:18 pm)
current mood: esmu slikts slikts cilveks
current song: EEEEEEEE kur ellee man te var butt muuzika.. esmu biblene :(

Piedodiet man, jo esmu greekojusi.

ek, vispar neko vairak neteikshu ari, vienkarshi man ir kauns par sevi, par to ko esmu dariijusi un turpinu dariit... nezinu, kapec bet es turpinu but agresiva, ciniska un egocentriska.. un man ir gruuti taadai buut, patiesi, nav viegli.. ir viegli buut labam cilvekam , bet ir gruti but skopam, gruti dzivot ar kritisku attieksmi.. es degu elles liesmaas..

parlasiju tikko savus pirmos ieraxtus, shausmas, ... pretigi palika.

es laikam ieshu, ieshu, ieieshu vaikala, aizieshu lidz saldumu nodaljai, viens kas man te patik, ir tas ka var nopirkt 7 kitkat iepakojumu un ietaupiit 50 pensus, ideali, tas ir prieksh manis, tad vel varetu chocholate muffins.., pashnaviba vairs nav originala, daudz traumatiskak ir nogalinaties pamazaam 50 gadu garumaa

rausitis [userpic]

August 28th, 2004 (10:48 am)

manas rokas ir tukshas

mana dvesele smok

mana sirds iet autorezhima

manas pedas asinjo

rausitis [userpic]

AUTOBIOGRAFIJA jeb cilveks, kura nebija

August 28th, 2004 (09:55 am)
current mood: nav
current song: Alive by Govinda

Katram no mums ir nodarits pari, citiem vairak, citiem mazak, taa vai citadi, bet bez taa nevar. Parunasim par mani. Gruti. Bernibas trauma, kuru biju izdzesusi no atminjas ilgus gadus, tagad kaa reegs pavada katru manu soli, es nespeju but normala un uzturet veseligas attiecibas ar pretejo dzimumu, jo man ir nodarits pari. Tas ir slikti? Vai tas tiesham ir launums? Vai tapec man butu janoliedz Dievs? Kur bija Dievs, kad man 6gadigai darija paari hmmm nezinu. Ja es tagad ieraktos psihologijas textos un padomos, tad nudien nodomatu, ka ar mani ir cauri. Es sliecos klausit Osho vardiem - be empty. Traumas un to artsteshana paliek virspusee .

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slima neirotikje, histerikje, paranoikje#
muzhiga Visuma daljinja#
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