rausitis [userpic]

September 1st, 2004 (11:18 am)

you need very penetrating eyes to see the invisible continuity. The invisible continuity is God. If you can see, this is the same flower in a different body. Thats what Hindus call the theory if reincarnation. Cristianity, Judaism, Mohammedanism, they all miss the beauty of it, so all three religions by and by became materialistic. ..
I am here. You are here. You have been here milions of times before. It is an eternal recurrence: in different bodies, different shapes, but the continuity is the same. And we call that continuity the soul.
Death is a way to rejuvenate oneself again. You exhale, this is a wau to inhale again. ..

you ask the physiologists - they say the body dies and renews itself every moment. Every cell will die. ....

the ego is a plastic thing, but it looks permanent...
the ego has a certain quality - it is dead. ..
the ego is not individual. Ego is a socieal phenomenon : it is society, it is not you. ..