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9th. Oct, 2009 | 07:28 pm
Labi ir beidzot apzināties, ka man ir savas nostājas, kuras (kā jau visi, kuriem ir savas nostājas) ik pa laikam tās neievēroju.
Bet beidzot diezgan konkrēti zinu, ko gribu izvilkt no sevis un piedabūt darboties.
Palēnām un pa mazam drusciņam domas tik tiešām paliek skaidrākas un tīrākas,
vieglums uzvijas visam virsū.
Neesmu nolādēta, neesmu.
In this full-throated
Sex'd cry
we must try again
to speak of the ununited
miles of sleep around
Bumbling thru slumber
Blind numbers
In a tiled room
We sit & brood
Refuse to move
The guards refuse
and in the last place
and in the last sweet breath
& in stroke of sine-wise crab
and in stars plenty, stars of greed
in the written book & majesties
in fulfillment on a cliff
on the inside of butter
on smooth backs & camels
in the open vessel
in the vein
in lives untold
who witnessed everything
For those people who died
for Nirvana
for the heavenly creed
for you, for me
These lines are written
to convey the message
To ingore the warning
To spree upward into
Tantalizing voices
To visit under-seas
Things more horrible
than war
Great beasts
Suffering extinction
Bet beidzot diezgan konkrēti zinu, ko gribu izvilkt no sevis un piedabūt darboties.
Palēnām un pa mazam drusciņam domas tik tiešām paliek skaidrākas un tīrākas,
vieglums uzvijas visam virsū.
Neesmu nolādēta, neesmu.
In this full-throated
Sex'd cry
we must try again
to speak of the ununited
miles of sleep around
Bumbling thru slumber
Blind numbers
In a tiled room
We sit & brood
Refuse to move
The guards refuse
and in the last place
and in the last sweet breath
& in stroke of sine-wise crab
and in stars plenty, stars of greed
in the written book & majesties
in fulfillment on a cliff
on the inside of butter
on smooth backs & camels
in the open vessel
in the vein
in lives untold
who witnessed everything
For those people who died
for Nirvana
for the heavenly creed
for you, for me
These lines are written
to convey the message
To ingore the warning
To spree upward into
Tantalizing voices
To visit under-seas
Things more horrible
than war
Great beasts
Suffering extinction