28 November 2015 @ 11:08 pm
i am a party i don't want to be at  
"It’s just not that fun having fun when you don’t want to have fun"

disclaimer - man nav depresija

Sabrina Benaim - Explaining My Depression to My Mother: A Conversation )
23 November 2015 @ 02:06 am
Pied Beauty


Glory be to God for dappled things –
   For skies of couple-colour as a brinded cow;
      For rose-moles all in stipple upon trout that swim;
Fresh-firecoal chestnut-falls; finches’ wings;
   Landscape plotted and pieced – fold, fallow, and plough;
      And áll trádes, their gear and tackle and trim.

All things counter, original, spare, strange;
   Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?)
      With swift, slow; sweet, sour; adazzle, dim;
He fathers-forth whose beauty is past change:
                                Praise him.
03 November 2015 @ 12:17 am
ikdiena principā
no rīta tu piecelies
iestāsti sev ka ir jēga
vakarā aizej gulēt
un atkal iestāsti sev
ka ir jēga
pārējo nokārto sapņi

//juris kronbergs
20 February 2014 @ 10:32 pm
i wanted my spine to be the spine of an unpublished book  
I said to the sun, tell me about the Big Bang.
The sun said, 'It hurts to become.'

(For the record, if you have ever done anything for attention, this poem is attention, title it with your name.)
23 November 2013 @ 01:25 pm
"The Thing Is"  
to love life, to love it even
when you have no stomach for it
and everything you've held dear
crumbles like burnt paper in your hands,
your throat filled with the silt of it.
When grief sits with you, its tropical heat
thickening the air, heavy as water
more fit for gills than lungs;
when grief weights you like your own flesh
only more of it, an obesity of grief,
you think, How can a body withstand this?
Then you hold life like a face
between your palms, a plain face,
no charming smile, no violet eyes,
and you say, yes, I will take you
I will love you, again.

//Ellen Bass
31 August 2013 @ 01:58 am
shrinking women  
Across from me at the kitchen table, my mother smiles
over red wine that she drinks out of a measuring glass.
She says she doesn't deprive herself,
but I've learned to find nuance in every movement of her fork.
In every crinkle in her brow as she offers me the uneaten pieces on her plate.
I've realized she only eats dinner when I suggest it.
I wonder what she does when I'm not there to do so.

Maybe this is why my house feels bigger each time I return; it's proportional.
As she shrinks the space around her seems increasingly vast.
She wanes while my father waxes. His stomach has grown round with wine, late nights, oysters, poetry.
A new girlfriend who was overweight as a teenager, but
my dad reports that now she's "crazy about fruit."

It was the same with his parents;
as my grandmother became frail and angular
her husband swelled to red round cheeks, rotund stomach
and I wonder if my lineage is one of women shrinking
making space for the entrance of men into their lives
not knowing how to fill it back up once they leave.

I have been taught accommodation.
My brother never thinks before he speaks.
I have been taught to filter.
"How can anyone have a relationship to food?" He asks, laughing,
as I eat the black bean soup I chose for its lack of carbs.
I want to say: we come from difference, Jonas,
you have been taught to grow out
I have been taught to grow in
you learned from our father how to emit, how to produce,
to roll each thought off your tongue with confidence,
you used to lose your voice every other week from shouting so much
I learned to absorb
I took lessons from our mother in creating space around myself
I learned to read the knots in her forehead while the guys went out for oysters
and I never meant to replicate her, but
spend enough time sitting across from someone and you pick up their habits

that's why women in my family have been shrinking for decades.
We all learned it from each other, the way each generation taught the next how to knit
weaving silence in between the threads
which I can still feel as I walk through this ever-growing house,
skin itching,
picking up all the habits my mother has unwittingly dropped
like bits of crumpled paper from her pocket on her countless trips
from bedroom to kitchen to bedroom again,
Nights I hear her creep down to eat plain yogurt in the dark,
a fugitive stealing calories to which she does not feel entitled.
Deciding how many bites is too many
How much space she deserves to occupy.

Watching the struggle I either mimic or hate her,
And I don't want to do either anymore
but the burden of this house has followed me across the country
I asked five questions in genetics class today
and all of them started with the word "sorry".
I don't know the requirements for the sociology major
because I spent the entire meeting deciding whether or not I could have another piece of pizza
a circular obsession I never wanted but

inheritance is accidental
still staring at me with wine-soaked lips from across the kitchen table.

//Lily Myers
19 May 2013 @ 01:03 am
"An Agony. As Now."  
I am inside someone
who hates me. I look
out from his eyes. Smell
what fouled tunes come in
to his breath. Love his
wretched women.

Slits in the metal, for sun. Where
my eyes sit turning, at the cool air
the glance of light, or hard flesh
rubbed against me, a woman, a man,
without shadow, or voice, or meaning.

This is the enclosure (flesh,
where innocence is a weapon. An
abstraction. Touch. (Not mine.
Or yours, if you are the soul I had
and abandoned when I was blind and had
my enemies carry me as a dead man
(if he is beautiful, or pitied.

It can be pain. (As now, as all his
flesh hurts me.) It can be that. Or
pain. As when she ran from me into
that forest.
Or pain, the mind
silver spiraled whirled against the
sun, higher than even old men thought
God would be. Or pain. And the other. The
yes. (Inside his books, his fingers. They
are withered yellow flowers and were never
beautiful.) The yes. You will, lost soul, say
‘beauty.’ Beauty, practiced, as the tree. The
slow river. A white sun in its wet sentences.

Or, the cold men in their gale. Ecstasy. Flesh
or soul. The yes. (Their robes blown. Their bowls
empty. They chant at my heels, not at yours.) Flesh
or soul, as corrupt. Where the answer moves too quickly.
Where the God is a self, after all.)

Cold air blown through narrow blind eyes. Flesh,
white hot metal. Glows as the day with its sun.
It is a human love, I live inside. A bony skeleton
you recognize as words or simple feeling.

But it has no feeling. As the metal, is hot, it is not,
given to love.

It burns the thing
inside it. And that thing

// Amiri Baraka
26 April 2013 @ 03:33 am
... auu.. au... kresek. kresek. grog..
cuat. cuit... breshhh... cit. cit. citt...
her. herr... haum. haumm. grasak, grusuk...
miau.. cuat.. cuit. kong. kung. kong...

aiueo... aiueo... huah... srep.. sret. ah...
cek. tretetet.. bremm. bremmm... blas. lush..
jeg. jreg... kompyang.. kompreng... aiueo...
ngeeeeeeng.... citt. grok.. aiueo...

cuat... cit.cit.. aiueo.. aiueo...
grog... groggg. duk..kompyang. kompreng
aiueo..aiueo... stt. ssttt. besh..
jreg. jug.. ngrok..ngrokk... dor.. dor...
nguik.. door.. nguik. nguik.. bum.. yeah..
cuat... cuit.. dor. bluk.. yeah..

aiueo..aiueo.. kresek. krusek.. stt.stt..
dor.. door... haum. haum door. bruk.. bum...
yeah.. hmm. hmm. bras.. brush.. jep. jep. jep..
jep. prak.. jep. kerekek.. jep.. krekep.. jep.
krekek.. krekek.. bumm.. yeah... greg..grog..
grek. grok.. krekek. krekek.. jep..bummm.. yeah.

cuat... cuit... dor.. haummm... haumm..
door... bruk.. miau.. door... dor..
grog... grog.. dor.. jep. jep.. krekek..
bumm.. cuat. cuit. cit. cit..
don't bother us, we want to live. cit.
preserve us. cuat.. cuit.. cit..
haumm.. dor.....

//Kristiandi Tanumihardja
06 January 2013 @ 10:30 pm
I salute you
Brave spirit
Who has swallowed so much
And tasted so little.

//Leonard Cohen
06 January 2013 @ 02:18 pm
i once touched a tree with charred limbs
the stump was still breathing
but the tops were just ashy remains,
i wonder what it’s like to come back from that
sometimes i feel a forest fire erupting from my wrists
and the smoke signals sent out are the most beautiful things
i’ve ever seen
love your body the way your mother loved your baby feet
and brother, arm wrapping shoulders, and remember,
this is important:
you are worth more than who you fuck
you are worth more than a waistline
you are worth more than any naked body could proclaim
in the shadows, more than a man’s whim
or your father’s mistake
you are no less valuable as a size 16, than a size 4
you are no less valuable as a 32A than a 36C,
your sexiness is defined by concentric circles within your wood;
you are a goddamn tree stump with leaves sprouting out:

Body love - Mary Lambert
21 October 2012 @ 03:13 am
The soul establishes itself.
But how far can it swim out through the eyes
And still return safely to its nest? The surface
Of the mirror being convex, the distance increases
Significantly; that is, enough to make the point
That the soul is a captive, treated humanely, kept
In suspension, unable to advance much farther
Than your look[..]

//John Ashbery "Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror"
09 July 2012 @ 01:10 am
bezvēsts prombūtnē

un es turpinu zvanīt
es zinu ka viņš necels
nedēļu pazudis it kā pie manis
bet redzēts nav
noteikti dzer kādā koka mājas pagalmā kur neviens tāpat neiet
pat pie stradiņiem atrada cilvēku kas mēnesi bija gulējis
pie pašas slimnīcas klausoties kā pukst dzīvība aiz sienas
nāc mājās ja vari
un tikmēr es zvanīšu cerot ka tu teiksi čau
tādu nevērīgu čau
un es teikšu es uztraucos es fakin uztraucos
man ļoti negribas iet uz tavām bērēm andri

//krišjānis zeļģis
08 February 2012 @ 10:28 pm
māgareta atvuda <3 II  
Variations on the Word "Sleep"

I would like to watch you sleeping,
which may not happen.
I would like to watch you,
sleeping. I would like to sleep
with you, to enter
your sleep as its smooth dark wave
slides over my head

and walk with you through that lucent
wavering forest of bluegreen leaves
with its watery sun & three moons
towards the cave where you must descend,
towards your worst fear

I would like to give you the silver
branch, the small white flower, the one
word that will protect you
from the grief at the center
of your dream, from the grief
at the center. I would like to follow
you up the long stairway
again & become
the boat that would row you back
carefully, a flame
in two cupped hands
to where your body lies
beside me, and you enter
it as easily as breathing in

I would like to be the air
that inhabits you for a moment
only. I would like to be that unnoticed
& that necessary.

-- Margaret Atwood
08 February 2012 @ 10:25 pm
mārgareta atvuda <3  

Time comes in waves here, a sickness, one
day after the other rolling on;
I move up, its called
awake, then down into the uneasy
nights but never


A universe that includes you
can't be all bad, but
does it? At this distance
you're a mirage, a glossy image
fixed in the posture
of the last time i saw you.
29 August 2011 @ 04:11 am
Tikai svešā skaistumā
ir mierinājums, svešā
mūzikā un svešos dzejoļos.

//Ādams Zagajevskis
17 August 2011 @ 05:58 am
When I am feeling depressed and anxious sullen
all you have to do is take off your clothes
and all is wiped away revealing life’s tenderness
that we are flesh and breathe and are near us
as you are really as you are I become as I
really am alive and knowing vaguely what is
and what is important to me above the intrusions
of incident and accidental relationships
which have nothing to do with my life

when I am in your presence I feel life is strong
and will defeat all its enemies and all of mine
and all of yours and yours in you and mine in me
sick logic and feeble reasoning are cured
by the perfect symmetry of your arms and legs
spread out making an eternal circle together
creating a golden pillar beside the Atlantic
the faint line of hair dividing your torso
gives my mind rest and emotions their release
into the infinite air where since once we are
together we always will be in this life come what may

//Frank O'Hara
31 May 2011 @ 03:26 am
ak dies, ak dies  
sasodīts, cik lieliski.

gads izklājies kā šaurs paklājs, taisns, ar iedaļām, taustās līdz novembrim, līdz decembrim taustās, kamēr atduras pats savā skaustā. nedēļas salipušas dienasgrāmatas lapās, vairs nevaru pat avīzi atplest, no mājas iziet nevaru, ēna piekaltusi tumsai, logs sienā karājas kā glezna, atrauts vaļā, izstiepis spārnus, stāvajā ielas krastā karājas. ap palodzi skalojas bālgana gaisma. ja līst, tad tālumā, un izskatās ka lietus stāv uz vietas kā dzelzs naglas, kas notur vietā horizontu. tomēr dažkārt pāris piles nobirst šeit, un var dzirdēt, kā debess nogurkst it kā izsalkumā. citreiz zemei seklā miegā noraustās kāds muskulis, un ir neliela zemestrīce. bet mums viss kārtībā, pārtiekam no mākoņu ziedkāpostiem, šņaucam zvaigznes, lai neaizmigtu, nēsājam sirdi kā blašķi zem plašķa un gaidām pie sarkanā saules luksofora, tupēdami tranšejā, kad beigsies apvāršņa ielenkums gaidām, kamēr ielā sētnieks sagrabina pēdējās lapas kā santīmus.

tas vientuļo vilku bars, tie dzērāji, arlekīni, nabagi,
un tie, kas lamā debesis vārdos, kā ‘kupols’, ‘velve’, ‘sija’, ‘jums’, ‘sega’,
lai varētu patverties,
kad izmesti no bāra vai attapušies vieni kādā nomalē,
lai varētu palīst zem atvērtām debesīm kā zem galda, kur mākoņi
salipināti kā košļenes,
un kutināt papīru ar pildspalvu klusībā,
tie skaistie, tie izkāmējušie vilki,
uztrītiem grafīta ilkņiem,
noēduši man rokas līdz pleciem,
un es gribu tikai aplaudēt.

//ivars šteinbergs
19 May 2011 @ 12:01 am
biju uz mīļā kolēģa jāņa vādona grāmatas pasākumu (tas ir, man viņš liekas tāds mīļš in a way un kolēģi mēs esam caur amandu; man liekas šausmīgi forši, ka viņš draugos paretam liek videō ar savu mazo dēlu un tajos videō viņš ar to dēlu runā un dara to tik forši un jauki un mīlīgi, nujā)

vienvārdsakot, grāmata ir brīnišķīga
tik brīnišķīga, ka man grūti izvēlēties, ko te iecitēt, lai reprezentētu, bet tad nu tā, gandrīz uz labu laimi kaut ko mazliet.


tam ciemam ir acs
netīrā audeklā iedurta zvaigzne
kā brūce balts akas caurums
virs namu greizajiem grodiem

tam ciemam ir smaga zeme
balsis kam pieburta nakts
un bērns bezgala viens
uzlīdis jumta bļodā

ilgi slimot ar tumsu
kad asiņo sienu kauli
ilgi trīcēt pēc gaismas
aizmigt uz mūžu vai mosties
ar debesīs iedurtu pirkstu


vienā virpulī zemzemes ezers
es esmu seja no māla pikas
saspiestas plaukstā
tik stipri ka sāp

lapu ēnas dūņainās acīs
atvaru līkās saknes
tur aiz galotnēm
melnajā sapnī
sākās šī piesaukšana

straumei aiz apkakles
aizbira zeme
sastinga plaisāja vaibstu rievās
tur aiz laika
tumsa skaloja rokas
tumsa no stingušiem pirkstiem
klusi līda
pašā atvara galā
satina gaismas sakni


mākonis nogāzē izklāj ēnu
un slīd lejup uz ielejas pusi
klaigā suņu bars akli putni bradā pa oļiem
maucība! peldam atpakaļ! slīkstošos glābiet!
balsis kā dūņas saduļķo dzelmi ieķeras niedrēs
un izkalst krasta vējā

klajums vēl saulē un sastindzis spīd kā stikls
sen sen te jau bija ezers
un atkal putekļu vilnī uguns pa vējam
attīra ceļu
un caur ieleju ložņā kā muša pār miroņa lūpām

laiks mūs iesmēlis savā vēsajā plaukstā
deja vu - promenāde uz izglābšanos ir ciet
mēs atguļamies straumes mutē
attinamies lēni un nedzirdami kā audums
un plūstam paši uz sevi
slāpst -
un straujāk pūš laivu brīze
un ciešāk mēs satveram airus

pēkšņi sāk līt ilgi ilgi ilgi aizgūtnēm līst
līdz nogāzē atkal dīgst zāle
un mākonis atguvies rāpjas augstāk
līdz visu ir pārklājis ūdens
un aizverot acis nogrimšana ir silta

//jānis vādons, no krājuma "virve"
06 May 2011 @ 11:28 am
Es šo nakti negulēju,
Visu nakti durvju priekšā
Rokas klēpī sasēdēju,
Vīju, vīju, vēju.

Es neviena neredzēju;
Viens es savu smagu sirdi
Klusi krūtīs saturēju,
Mūža miegā ieauklēju,
Vīju, vīju, vēju.
Vīju, vīju, vēju.

01 May 2011 @ 12:53 am
(:) balsis manā galvā

tur kur ir
mani personas dati

telefona numurs
un pinkods arī bankas
un e-pasta
parole un
lietotāja kods

tur kur ir galva
tur iekšā runā
ar mani kāda balss

tā nav ne vīrieša
ne arī sievietes
tā nav ne jauna ne veca
ne igauņa ne
cittautieša balss

es esmu nelielā
tas nu nav
ka galvā kāds
visu laiku kaut ko vāvuļo

bet es noteikti
neesmu traks
šī balss neņemtos ar trako

tai ir divi konkrēti
un viennozīmīgi vēstījumi
šī balss skan
patiesi patīkami

drīzāk tā ir dabas
vai paša dieva
bet skaļāka
un prasīgāka balss

ja es saku
balsis manā galvā
tad es domāju vienu balsi
lai gan dažreiz to ir daudz
bet visas kopā tā ir viena balss
ar vienām un tām pašam vēstīm

viena vēsts ir sekojoša
tev jādabū sieviete
tev jādabū sieviete
tev jādabū sieviete

tā ir pirmā vēsts
ko balss zibens ātrumā
nemitīgi galvā atkārto
un nekad neapklust

tai nav paužu
tā necieš pretī runāšanu
tā ir ļoti pārliecinoša
tā ir inteliģenta
tā balss manā galvā

balss vēsts doma
man ir skaidra
bet forma šķiet greiza un nepareiza

es pats tā neteiktu
es tomēr esmu dzejnieks
un zinu kā to vajag

es teiktu izdrāzt
ar tādu pašu balsi kā
tanels padars un grupas the sun
vecs mans draugs mēlis tauks
kad viņš ir foršā štīmē

izdrāzt ir godīgi tieša
un cilvēciska vēlēšanās
visi taču to grib
tieši to pašu ko
tauks un es

bet mēs nekad neteiktu
kuram man
jādabū sieviete vai
tev jādabū
sieviete man

tā taču nerunā
ārpus galvas

tev jādabū sieviete
tas skan kā mozus
pavēle kā klases audzinātājas
kā pravieša vārdi
kā eirodirektīva
vai politiķa solījums
kā populāra šlāgera vārdi
kā mūsu
ikdienas sms

tā pati balss
tai pašā laikā
tikpat skaļi
pat vēl
atkārto galvā
arī otru vēsti

tā pati balss
bet cits stils
otra balss nav
liela vārda meistare

tās vēsts ir blīva
un smaga kā tas
kas atombumbas
iekšienē blīkšķi taisa

naudu naudu naudu
naudu naudu naudu
šī balss to atkārto tajā pašā laikā
kad tā cenšas mani pārliecināt arī par to
ka man jādabū sieviete
naudu naudu naudu
tev jādabū sieviete
naudu naudu naudu
tev jādabū sieviete
naudu naudu naudu
tev jādabū sieviete

es varu būt netīkams
cilvēks grafomāns
varu nemazgāties
bet pilnīgi noteikti es neesmu traks

tie kam ir sievietes
taču arī nav traki

tie kam ir nauda
taču arī nav traki

tie kas domā
tikai par sievietēm un naudu
taču arī nav traki

es esmu ar draugiem runājis
visi uzskata ka tas ir ok
arī ārsts to pašu teica ka balsis
manā galvā tas ir normāli

pat biju pie pūšļotājas
pūšļotāja mani ieveda svētbirzē
un pavēlēja lai visu
izstāstu ozolam

ozols noklausījās manas
bēdas un teica

ļoti labi
ka tu
esi kādu sievieti
un naudu
nolicis kontā
ej uz bodi
nopērc šņori
un pakar sadamu