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[Oct. 1st, 2004|12:17 pm]
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I am A Corny Shit .

Corny Shit's... the fat asses of the shit family. the day in the life of a Corny usually goes about like this. eating, eating, drinking, eating and then driving drunk through a corn field.. Cornies are losers, but when I say losers, I don't mean the bad kind.. I mean the drunk fat kind.. But look up fellow Corny, at least your not an Asshole.
What Kinda Shit Are You?
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Date:October 17th, 2004 - 02:20 pm
neesu nekaads suuds, vo tā! ;]
[User Picture]
Date:October 21st, 2004 - 03:48 pm
oh sshit :P