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gnarls barkley - crazy [Mar. 1st, 2010|12:37 pm]
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"In this frazzled and fragmented decade, when the Top 40 broke down into squabbling niches, the idea of a universal pop hit, a song anybody could love, seemed like a sweet old-fashioned notion. Then these guys showed up. Atlanta rapper Cee-Lo and indie producer Danger Mouse decided it would be a gas to pretend to be the world's greatest pop group, and so they gave the world "Crazy." Everybody loved this song, from your mom to your ex-girlfriend's art professor. It blasted in punk clubs and Burger King bathrooms. Every sucky band on earth tried a lame cover. For the summer of 2006, "Crazy" united us all into one nation under a groove. Gnarls Barkley packed a career's worth of genius ideas into three minutes — and then they basically disappeared. Does that make them crazy? Probably. But was this the most glorious pop thrill of our time? Totally."

Es kaut kā šo pop thrill'u biju iepriekš palaidusi garām, klubus neapmeklējot un klausoties mūziku mazliet tuvāk rokam, bet šobrīd jūtos totally addicted :D

Mani ļoti interesē tā psiholoģija apakšā dziesmām. Vai viņi iepriekš izplāno kādas skaņas, ritms, vārdi būs tik, tik atkarību izraisoši?? Dziesmas melodija nav nemaz tik lipīga, vismaz trolejbusā braucot un klausoties RHCP, nevarēju šo dziesmu atsaukt atmiņā, bet..viņa ir vnk neaprakstāmi hipnoztizējoša, he. :)
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