ruuby - November 10th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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November 10th, 2009

[Nov. 10th, 2009|05:41 pm]
Kad analizēju literatūru, mani nepamet sajūta, ka es nozogu maģiskumu darbam. Es izķidāju, sadalu pa gabaliņam, novērtēju un tad mēģinu salikt atpakaļ kopā. Un tad viss ir tik izanalizēts, ka zūd oriģinālā Sajūta.
Uzskatu, ka literatūru varētu iedalīt divās daļās: tā literatūra, kas ir tik augstvērtīga, ka paredzēta _tikai_ lasīšanai, un tā, kuru atļauts, tas ir, kuru liek analizēt lasītājiem.

On the other hand...literatūras analīze ir lieliska iespēja izteikt Sajūtu (izmantojot nepieciešamos terminus, bet to var pieciest :) )
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delicious digestion :D [Nov. 10th, 2009|11:07 pm]

Ir lietas, ko līdz šim pati nebiju spējusi IB zina visu vienmēr labāk :D, un dažs labs IB skolotājs ir paskaidrojis, ar ko es nodarbojos, tas ir, nodarbošos rīt un parīt. I couldn't have said better :D

After trusting our creative right brains by highlighting key words that stand out, imagining how you might stage the poem/passage, what lines would be repeated, which ones deleted, what would e spoken softly or loudly and why, after we free-associate, brainstorm and play with the poem/passage, and let the meaning evolve or emerge, we sit down and get into the left-brain.

The organizer, the linear thinker must take over. We start at the beginning and work through the piece, for which we now have a sense.  When we write a commentary, we remain focused on the piece we are responding to, scrutinizing, studying, and analyzing.

We eat the piece. . . we smell it, lick it, savor it, chew it, swallow it, spit it, savor it again, swallow it once more, and in one sign of full and delicious digestion, we burp. . . we tell it as we have experienced it. . . and there it is: "the commentary." 


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