
Recent Entries

12/27/23 09:50 pm

Ko par vaksmunitāti saka nepareizie eksperi: autoimūnie saka, ka pizdohen 5-10 gadu laikā, parastie saka, ka 5-10 nedēļu laikā. Visi kā viens saka, ka visādas blakusinfekcijas ir neizbēgamas.

#ak-cik-netipiski #kas-to-būtu-domājis #nepareizi-domājis #vakcīnaids

12/27/23 08:55 pm

vaids gonna vaids

12/27/23 03:44 pm

> In Group 2 (64 and below), over two times more men died than women from various medical conditions during the first 10 days of vaccination, with vaccination day being Day 1. Overall deaths after the initial 10 days were only slightly higher among men. The highest number of post vaccination deaths were registered on the third day, followed by the fourth, second, and fifth days.

After “unexplained deaths,” the biggest cause of death in this group was ischemic heart disease, cardiac arrhythmias, subarachnoid hemorrhage, and myocarditis/pericarditis.

The percentage of reported cases that experienced death within 10 days after vaccination was 70 percent, with the control period defined as 11 to 180 days after vaccination.

#jā-bet #muh-14-dienas #pavļuts-teica #nevakcinēts-as-fuck

12/27/23 12:39 pm

Vienu dienu resort aizmieg gultā blakus savai sievai. Pēc kāda laika viņš ierauga Svēto Pēteri.
Resort prasa: "Vai es sapņoju?"
Svētais Pēteris atbild: "Nē, resort, tu pēkšņi un negaidīti nosprāgi miegā. Mēs gan nebijām tam vēl gatavi, tāpēc pagaidām tevi nosūtīsim atpakaļ, bet diemžēl šobrīd vienīgā opcija - tikai kā vistu."
Resort brītiņu padomā un piespiedu brīvprātīgi piekrīt. Noplaiksnī spoža gaisma un resort atrodas vistu būra iekšienē.
Blakus esošā vista saka: "Klau, tu neesi dējusi olas šodien. Ja tu nedēsi olas, saimnieks tevi nokaus."
Resort saka: "Bet es nemaz nezinu kā dēt olas."
Vista saka: "Dēt olas ir pavisam vienkārši - tikai saki kluk, kluk, kluk un spied no visa spēka."
Resort saka: "Labi, es pamēģināšu... kluk, kluk, kluk..."
Resort spiež un izripo milzīga ola.
Vista saka: "Vāu, tā gan ir milzīga ola!"
Resort saka: "Paga, man liekas es varu izdēt vēl milzīgāku olu. Skaties... kluk, kluk, kluk..."
Resort spiež vēl spēcīgāk un izripo vismilzīgākā ola.
Vista saka: "Pizģec bļe, tā ir vismilzīgākā ola kādu es esmu redzējusi! #wtf"
Resort saka: "Ahahahaha, tūlīt redzēsi mega-gigantisku olu... kluk, kluk, kluk..."
Resort spiež atsperdamies un ribās ar elkoni iebaksta sieva: "Pietiks dirst gultā!"


12/27/23 10:09 am

dienasgrāmata: "Harrison Bergeron, age fourteen, has just escaped from jail, where he was held on suspicion of plotting to overthrow the government. He is a genius and an athlete, is under-handicapped, and should be regarded as extremely dangerous."

12/26/23 11:33 am

pieaugušo samaitātība

12/26/23 07:14 am

Tavs Allahs droši vien vēlēja svinēt ziemīšus ar alko.


12/25/23 08:54 pm

dienasgrāmata: Teksasa (populācija: 30 miljoni) sūdzot tiesā Faizeru par cilvēku mānīšanu attiecībā uz zRNS injekciju Efektivitāti™️. Tāpat Faizers tiekot sūdzēts par konspirēšanos apklusināt tos, kuri kritizēja pleca šāviņus.

#konspirācija #for-real-this-time #feika-efektivitāte #pavļuts-atgremoja

12/25/23 08:40 pm

dienasgrāmata: Amerikas lidostās, pēc 9/11 izveidotais TSA, apčamda vārdā nosaucamus pilsoņus, bet nezināmas izcelsmes nelegālie imigranti ar izdomātiem vārdiem masveidā tiekot lidmašīnās uz godavārda.

#terrorisms #pilns-aplis #patriotu-akts #domestiskie-ienaidnieki

12/25/23 08:37 pm

dienasgrāmata: Argentīnas Ārlietu Afēru Ministrija apstiprina, ka Argentīnā kontraktus drīkstot apmierināt bitkoiniski.


12/25/23 07:33 pm

> tirgus vadīta MI izstrāde un ieviešana negarantē to, ka MI būs labvēlīgs visiem.

"tirgus vadīta" varam izsvītrot

MI izstrāde un ieviešana 100% gadījumos palielinās nevienlīdzību sabiedrībā, trekns punkts. Cerēt uz pretējo ir vakcinēti.

12/25/23 04:09 pm

> varam iedomāties secīgus būsterus kur sākumā ir cilvēks bet pēc kāda laika tas joprojām ir cilvēks bet saprātīgs un runājams vairs nav


12/25/23 12:31 pm

kaut kāda kuce

12/25/23 11:42 am

kukraina ir norakstīta

12/25/23 11:31 am

kartona lego

12/25/23 10:43 am

Prikolo šitais aizokeāna novērojums, ka izkarot Amerikas karogu, visiem esot skaidrs, par kuru cilvēku tu balsosi.

Iedomājies Latviju, kurā izkārts Latvijas karogs signalizētu tikai vienu kandidātu, jo pārējie to nicina un nīcina.

Bet tik un tā atrastos lcfisti, kam tas liktos normāli - Latvijas karogs kā kaut kas slikts.

#slava-ukraini #staro-riga #stargorod #jobanais-trumps

12/24/23 07:10 pm

> In the case of highly vaccinated individuals, especially if they did not experience productive natural infection prior to vaccination, we should be prepared for the possibility that the illness will unfold as follows:

Because their immune system will have very little capacity (at either the cell-based innate immunity level or the adaptive immunity level) to control the virus, they will probably quickly become overwhelmingly infected, in the upper respiratory tract (URT), lower respiratory tract (LRT), and possibly other internal organs. They might have very high viral loads in all of these locations. Unfortunately, they will not be able to rely on usual immune mechanisms to control the virus—e.g., NK cells (natural killer cells, which are a key component of the cell-based innate immune system) or on effective utilization of their adaptive immune system. The acute viral phase of their illness may therefore quickly become extraordinarily severe (within 1-3 days) and may last more than the usual 7-10 days.

Bear in mind that it is quite possible that the cytokine storm triggered by the highly virulent variant in high risk highly vaccinated individuals (if they have time, opportunity, and the wherewithal to mount such a storm) will be more massive and explosive than has ever been seen in many adult ICUs.

Management of most healthy unvaccinated patients will likely be much less difficult. They will be better able to handle the highly virulent variant and will be less likely to develop cytokine storm. Although the “highly virulent variant” will, indeed, be highly virulent in high risk heavily vaccinated individuals (because the immune status of heavily vaccinated individuals has been altered by the mass vaccination campaign and they have been depending on virulence-inhibiting PNNAbs, which the highly virulent variant is able to overcome), the “highly virulent variant” will not be as virulent in healthy unvaccinated individuals (because their immune systems will be intact and able to respond in a normal way, and they have not been depending on virulence-inhibiting PNNAbs). As explained earlier, the immune status of heavily vaccinated individuals has become abnormal and is now quite different from the normal immune status of healthy unvaccinated individuals.

#worst-case #aizturētā-virulance #paga-paga #jn1-vēsts

12/24/23 06:12 pm

> GVB thinks the emergence and rapid dominant propagation of the JN.1 variant is a strong signal that the above-described two-step process of loss of protection against virulence is now underway and accelerating. The JN.1 variant itself is not more intrinsically virulent than its recent predecessors, but step two is highly likely to soon follow. GVB thinks a catastrophic surge of severe disease and death among highly vaccinated individuals (due to loss of the virulence-inhibiting effect of PNNAbs) is imminent. He suspects that this surge will increasingly become apparent in the days and weeks ahead (evidenced by a steady increase in COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths) and will reach a devastating peak within several weeks.

#doomposting #krismas #jan-feb-timeframe #nothingburger

12/24/23 02:34 pm

Pareizais veterinārs:

Nepareizais veterinārs:

#jā-bet #politiķi-solīja #lielais-vaks-filtrs #būsteris-gonna-give-it-to-ya

12/24/23 12:32 pm

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