
December 11th, 2023

01:08 am

jobanie antivakseri

10:01 am

nelojālās kuces, vai ne

10:07 am

velosipēda rieksti no Indijas

10:12 am

Citāts no intervebiem: "I would end the life of someone who convinced my son to cut his dick off. A child birthed from my womb. I would literally physically end them."

Gribētos pajautāt kundzei: "Kurš radikalizēja Jūs?"


11:08 am

Aleksam Džonsam ir platformene, kur jāhujārī visādi globanālisti Hujausi Hujābi. Vēl viņam ir grāmata Lielā Atmošanās. Vēl viņam tagad ir konts iksā un arī infowariem tagad ir konts iksā.

Par kaut kuru iepriekšējo grāmatu viņš teica, ka viņu tur, ķipa, no kaut kādiem bestselling topiem kancelēja.

Kancelkultūra pārspēlēja savu roku, mēģinādami kancelēt visus iksa reklāmieņēmumus, un dabūja pretējo.

#svārsts #amplitūda #enerģijas-nezūdamība #hujakš

05:57 pm

sūkā manu šļirci

07:26 pm

sakarā ar novērotajām vārda brīvības aktivitātēm...

10:54 pm

The new study, published in Nature, found this occurred in around 25-30 per cent of people.

In the case of the Covid jabs, the end result is a nonsensical and harmless protein, the team found, which the body attacks and leads to an immune system flare-up.

people injected with mRNA Covid jabs suffered an unintended immune response created by a glitch in the way the vaccine was read by the body

No adverse effects were created by the error, data show, but Cambridge scientists found such vaccines were not perfect and sometimes led to nonsense proteins being made instead of the desired Covid “spike”, which mimics infection and leads to antibody production.

#krievu-rulete #antibodijs-pret-sūdu #iezīmētie #very-very-effective
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