
November 5th, 2023

03:05 am

šijā pandehmijah nevakcinētie pārtrauc vakcinēto ballīti like:

03:41 am

> Runa ir par cilvēkiem, kas dzīvos ar vērienu, enerģiju un ritmu, kādu vēsturē un šobrīd ir atļāvušies tikai bagātie cilvēki.



bļe bruh, nevaru :D



03:51 am

Ikkatrs gaišā dienas laikā ir sapņojis par autonomu kaujas dronu Death Note.


04:01 am

> 5 year sentence and $100k fine for hiring, housing or assigning a vehicle to a non-citizen without a valid and current green card. No emption for charities. Offer free one-way airfare to their country of origin or a 3 year sentence and immediate deportation if caught, and then start raiding businesses. If Congress doesn’t play ball, declare an invasion, bomb a few cartel bases in the US, warn Mexico, go weapons free at the border and use existing laws on the books to raid, arrest and deport them. It’s not rocket surgery.

04:23 am

padomā par bērniem

04:29 am

> These are magic dirt people. They think the land in Europe will give them wealth. But it's not the land. It's the culture, and theirs sucks.

03:23 pm

Ja bērzu sulu tecināmo renīti iesprauž dirsā, tad arī cilvēks var zaudēt pārlieku daudz sulu un nāksies pisti pie homopāta asap.

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