October 28th, 2023
05:15 pm
Pētījums rāda, ka sievietes ir vairāk ieinteresētas izrunāt huiņu, par kuru vīrieši pat dzirdēt negrib.
#ahahahaha #doh-bruh #davaj-pa-manam #kumunistiskais-labums
05:33 pm
> Long covid only affects those with IQ over 145.
Labs novērojums. Jo stulbāki apkārtējie antivakseri, jo ilgāks kovids.
#smar-pīpl #get-hujūsted #stupi-pīpl #get-hujiltered
05:37 pm
Mans hujovids ir 22cm garš.
#garais-kovids #ja-netici #sūkā-pimpi #huj-bļa
06:09 pm
> Where are all the Covid vaccine Post-Authorisation Safety Studies (PASS) which were one of the conditions of authorisation of the Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Moderna Covid vaccines?
What about AstraZeneca’s “future analyses”? Where is ‘Interim Report 2’, which was due January 2023? Where is its ‘Progress Report’, due April 2023, and its Feasibility Report, due June 2023? Not a sniff of any of them.
And where are any of the Pfizer and Moderna Covid vaccine PASS studies? No sign of them. So much for transparency and informed consent.
#solījumi #labāk-vakcīna-plecā #nekā-mednis-rokā #pavļuts
11:16 pm
Chinese Premier Li Qiang said that China "resolutely opposes any external interference in Iran's internal affairs."
“Make no mistake: what is, has or will unfold in Gaza is purely an Israeli decision.” - USMC commandant Gen. Eric Smith
Israel recalls all its diplomats from Turkey
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un: “The third world war is about to begin. Everyone must be ready!”
They spent years telling us Trump would get us into WW3, and now that we are getting into WW3, they are insisting it's actually a good thing.
People have no scope of how unprepared they are. It’s about to be “the bad times” in history again and people are completely oblivious.
#vecās-likteņdzirnas #burtiski-hitlers #nejauki-tvīti #neaizmirsti-imunizēties-ar-warpspeed-dziru
11:29 pm
11:31 pm
Prikolo šitais mīms, kur iekļaujoši vienlīdzīgā transdžender feministe uzreiz priekšautā virtuvē kuļ omleti, kā pirmās vēsmas par iesaukšanu ww3 hujātā. :D
Tas ir smieklīgi.
#oh-well #kuces-be-smukas #un-garšīgi-gatavo #un-paklusē