
October 19th, 2023

10:32 am

A davaj otrādāk: ja mēs pieņemam dzimuma pārejas procesu, tad lai Krievija brauc pie mums.

#bu #bubulis #brauc-pati #pie-portlandes-bomžiem

11:12 am

Kā jums šķiet? Vai vācieši lūgsies krievus atbrīvot Vāciju no iekļaujošajiem krāsaiņiem?

#kādam-tas-būs-jādara #kumbaya #lotusa-poza #zeme-deg

11:21 am

Iekļaušanas likums

caurumu persona - ikviens iedzīvotājs ar vismaz vienu caurumu vai bez neviena caurumu, ja tas pašidentificējas ar vismaz vienu caurumu

1. pants: visām caurumu personām jābūt bezgala iekļaujošām

#rinka #plecs #visādi #portlandes-bomži

11:31 am

Eiropa kliedz "sankcijas, sankcijas"... bet vai gadījumā, ja Krievija piekristu uzņemt mūsu transdeģenerātus, vai tā tomēr nebūtu izņēmuma vērta sadarbība?

#zīdtaureņa-sūdu-ceļš #naida-sadarbība #mikropipele #makrocaurums

01:39 pm

> My long-time Ukrainian refugee house-pet Nykolai has also become shockingly racist towards our new house guests too (refugees Samer and Noah from Israel and Palestine). I never knew he harboured such awful, backwards beliefs!! "Get rid of zem or I vill." Nykolai grumbled menacingly at me over our evening bowls of borscht. My jaw dropped. I lunged for the spray bottle but it was just out of reach. If this kind of behaviour carries on I'll have to think about rehoming him or getting him put down. I've put an ad up on Gumtree anyway, but so far no one's shown any interest. Ukrainians have just gone out of fashion, it seems.

#current-thing #doesn't-care-about-your-pronouns

05:06 pm

> The predicate is highly restrictive: “if you survived all the COVID vaccine shots and are still alive and you got COVID and ended up in the hospital, …”

The question an elderly person should be asking is whether people lived longer who got the COVID shots vs. people who didn’t.

They never seem to want to do these studies for some reason.

If the vaccine worked as advertised above (10x reduction in hospitalization risk), we’d expect to see about 70% unvaccinated people being hospitalized for COVID.

But we don’t. It’s not even close. The breakdown is nearly exactly the same (this is why the standard mean deviation (SMD) numbers are so small).

In plain English, what this means is that the COVID vaccines did virtually nothing to reduce your chance of hospitalization from COVID.

The second big reveal: the flu vaccine doesn’t work either! This is a big whoops.

#papīrs #cdc #ten-x #hujen-x

05:28 pm

jaunas asinis.. pisakos rindā

05:36 pm

Nopietnā pimpja nogriešana tiek trivializēta labēji radikālo bigoteroristu acīs.

#get-hurt #muh-feelings #valīdais-woke #triviāls-reee
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