
August 19th, 2023

01:17 am

> Risk of myocarditis is 28x higher in young men w/COVID vaccine than the risk of myocarditis from COVID. Germany released stats - no healthy young people died from Covid.

01:33 am

Bļe karoče suns piedirsa kaimiņienei pagalmu.

10:25 am

jobanie pandēmijas minimizētāji

10:55 am

visādi zālēdājžaži

10:57 am

Agrāk domāju, ka iziet no rīta 5min uzpīpēt ir hujovais ieradums, bet alternatīvs ieradums hujārīt no rīta 5h mīmus, bļe, izklausās hujovāk. :(

#daudz-padarīts #todo #or-not-todo #produktivitāte

11:01 am

Moš jāpasūta kāda mauka, citādi mauku ēpastu draud izdzēst par neaktivitāti (lasi - mīkstu pimpi).

#pavļuts #krišjānis #rinka #maukumāja

11:08 am

FOMO: Brazil government is rolling out a vaccine to "cure" addiction to crack cocaine. I don't use crack, but I don't wanna miss out on putting another untested/unproven vaccine in my body. There's already a waiting list! Booking my trip to Brazil now.

11:10 am

If one more person tries to blame the myo on the newly developed at the clinical equivalent of warp speed the holy elixir that bypassed almost all regulations and medical safeguards that did not undergo the typical 5 to 10 year clinical trials because it was guaranteed safe and thusly mandated on all who wanted to participate in the workforce with governments around the world actively suppressing and scrubbing hospital data, I will scream at the top of my lungs through 5 N-95s on a zoom call in my own home and start shaking!!!
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