07:42 am
> atheists have stronger faith than alot of people who believe in God.
Vai eksistē kaut kas augstāks? Kā atšķirt nediskriminējoši efektīvu ēteri no cukurpapuča, kurš rūpējas par tevi?
Noticēt ir viegli. Uzticami neticēt ir grūtā daļa.
08:26 am
Palīgvielu inducēts autoimūnais sindroms.
Tāds arī eksistē? Kas to būtu domājis, ka injicējot silikonu, alumīniju u.c. zvērus, kaut kas tiks sapists.
Šis atbalsta manu konspiteoriju, ka lielai populācijas daļai radīsies adjuvantu nogurums, aiz kam nākamā pandēmija mūs izpisīs pareizi, jo vakcīnu apteiks nebūs iespējams kur tam jābūt pēc vidusskolas absolventa Bila Geitsa domām.
> From a clinical standpoint, these four diseases present with classical constitutional manifestations that include myalgia, arthralgia, chronic fatigue and dry mouth as well as neurological manifestations such as cognitive disturbances, memory loss and neurologic disabilities.
> We aim to highlight basic concepts in order to increase physician awareness and therefore facilitate early diagnosis and prevent the exposure to adjuvants to those subjects with high risk for autoimmunity.
Jā, ka tad. Pis dirst un #get-būsted.
10:32 am
A kas Vidzemē visi jumti tādi jobani?
#jumti #jobani-jumti #Vidzeme #jumti
01:35 pm
06:50 pm
People think we are far removed from the Copernicus days of being persecuted for simply saying the earth revolves around the sun, we are not: a Federal Judge has ruled the First Amendment does not protect 12-year-old Liam Morrison’s right to express his opinion ‘THERE ARE ONLY TWO GENDERS’ on a t-shirt while attending public school.
> It's more than just Constitutionally Protected - it's scientifically provable...
#Zeme-riņķo #Venēra-riņķo #Marss-riņķo #zvaigznītes-riņķo
06:56 pm
Kā tur bija: Venēra ir sievietēm, Marss ir vīriešiem, Urāns ir visiem pārējiem dzimumiem.
#pimpji #dirsas #piena-ceļš #snikers
07:25 pm
07:34 pm
After getting sued heavily for the DTP vaccine, Wyeth (now Pfizer) went to the Reagan White House and demanded liability protections with the threat of getting out of the vaccine business.
President Reagan asked Wyeth why they couldn’t make safer vaccines.
And Wyeth answered that they couldn’t because vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe.” And that phrase, “unavoidably unsafe,” is in the preamble of the VICP* statute.
“And so, anybody who tells you vaccines are safe and effective, the industry itself got immunity from liability by convincing the President and Congress that vaccines are unavoidably unsafe,” stated Robert Kennedy Jr.
*National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program
07:57 pm