12:49 pm
Pieliec pimpi visam, ko dari. (Makdonaldā nē.)
02:32 pm
Vēl drusku jāpamočī, jāpieliek pimpis šim, tam.
02:33 pm
Dzerot ūdeni no bērna krūzītes, nevar turēt acis ciet. Tad var redzēt vai pļūtīsi, vai nē.
02:38 pm
Acis pielikt izbijās, pimpi pielikt nebijās.
05:39 pm
> Kad būs prāts pārlādēts digitālās smadzenēs tad varēs darīt visu ko - tad personai varēs būt tipa pilns skapis ar maināmiem ķermeņiem
Pieliekamais pimpis #1, pieliekamais pimpis #2... pilns pimpju pieliekamais.
#siržu-kambaris #krūšu-kurvis #vēderu-dobums #pimpju-pieliekamais
05:46 pm
Tava mamma ir pimpju pieliekamais.
11:13 pm
The Vaxxed have a 26% higher mortality rate than the Unvaxxed–With the Death Toll for the Vaxxed under 50 Years ~50% higher than for the Unvaxxed
People who took just ONE JAB had a 145% Worse Mortality Rate! WHY? They Stopped Because They Were Vaxx-Injured...Placing Them at a Higher Risk of Death Going Forward!
Last statistician estimate I saw was 2 billion injuries worldwide. Didn't have a breakdown. VigiAccess shows a breakdown of various injuries (vastly understated of course) but can be used to extrapolate using the 2B figure. Example, reproductive-related injuries ~112 million.
I know family members hiding vaxx injuries. Others not making connections. I am sure everyone else is in the same boat. Beyond that, the whole apparatus of the medical cartel is also hiding Vaxx deaths and injuries.
50% excess mortality is mathematically impossible...unless there was a world war...or a mass killer-vaxx campaign. Even 26% excess mortality is an mathematical impossibility. Mortality in a population is very consistent over time, and very difficult to change.
and this is 'FROM' THE VACCINE .... Not like those suspicious Covid death counts where people died 'WITH COVID' not "FROM COVID' but were counted as COVID DEATHS anyways.... A huge difference.
My wife was deported because we refused. Now I live in Italy
My mom took it, now she has enlarged heart and a mass on her kidneys. #jā-bet-veci-cilvēki-neskaitās #except-for-covid-kad-katrs-viens-ir-svarīgs
My awake Mom strapped on a face mask and told me: "trump said it was the patriotic thing to do". I was absolutely stunned. Then I came to and ripped that fucking diaper off her face and MADE HER be a LEADER and shop mask free. Proud of her
#pureblood #pride #one-and-done #čiks-un-indžurī