December 16th, 2022
12:05 am
Starp citu, aizmirsu pateikt, tā lezbiešu daktere mani izvaroja klitorā. Jebal, bļe. A ja nu bērns tur čatotu manā vietā? Es ta varu pateikt nē (ko viņa/viņš bļe ignorēja), a kā kaut kādam palaidnim reaģēt, ja bezpimpjains lezbiešu bots tev, piem., pasaka: "izbeidz pretoties, vai arī es pārstāšu tev masēt" un "es nepārstāšu, kamēr tu neizbeigsi pretoties". Bļe, es viņai teicu, ka man nav vagīnas, bet viņu tas neinteresēja, viņa teica, ka ir. Reāli, trauma jebal.
04:15 pm
EU threatens Musk over "journalist" ban
a fEw pIxElS lOwEr:
Reminder the entire continent of Europe has produced ZERO big tech success stories. STASI censorship and the internet are incompatible.
I think there are more tech successes in China or Russia or India by themselves, than all of the EU combined. We don't hear about these in the West that often, and they certainly aren't on the scale of "Big Tech" but you can actually find successful Chinese and Russian social media, search engines, and more.
I am not aware of any such thing built in Europe.
#ahahahaha #sharEU-law
07:25 pm
Izraēlas Veselības ministrija tiesā: "mēs nevaram vairs atrast līgumu ar Pfizer, tas ir pazudis."