01:17 am
Mother Brown had in the mean time agreed the terms with this liquorish old goat, which I afterwards understood were to be fifty guineas peremptory for the liberty of attempting me, and a hundred more at the compleat gratification of his desires, in the triumph over my virginity: and as for me, I was to be left entirely at the discretion of his liking and generosity. This unrighteous contract being thus settled, he was so eager to be put in possession, that he insisted on being introduc'd to drink tea with me that afternoon, when we were to be left alone; nor would he hearken to the procuress's remonstrances, that I was not sufficiently prepared, and ripened for such an attack; that I was too green and untam'd, having been scarce twenty-four hours in the house: it is the character of lust to be impatient, and his vanity arming him against any supposition of other than the common resistance of a maid on those occasions, made him reject all proposals of a delay, and my dreadful trial was thus fix'd, unknown to me that very evening.
09:36 am
Kas sākās kā vīruss, ir mutējis par IQ testu. Tavas bailes glābj dzīvības.
Labi es tur saprotu večiņa pieturā ar masku, bet pusaudzis pa ielu, deguns vien spīd. Bļe tu pidar, uzvelc kārtīgi! Vai ne?
09:39 am
a kā var ieraudzīt noblesavage bez drēbēm? atceros bija kaut kāds zsv fests or whatever, kur kompānijas trūkuma pēc varēja tikt ieaicināts jebkurš. droši vien tad vēlāk arī bija tas šovs iespējams. bļe palaidu garām, vismaz būtu dibenu novērtējis, teiksim dodu divi vaigi no desmit, vai bļe ņemu, whatever
09:49 am
klausi brāli bļe!