
February 17th, 2022

12:05 am

chair of the British Society for Immunology Covid-19 taskforce and a professor of immunology at the University of Surrey, said there was not yet enough information to explain why vaccination should lead to an improvement in people’s symptoms. “The term ‘long Covid’ covers a wide range of post-Covid conditions and so we don’t yet fully understand all the processes involved,” she said.

One theory is that it may help clear up remaining reservoirs of virus in the body, or fragments of virus that are triggering ongoing inflammation. Another possibility is that vaccination rebalances the immune response in individuals whose symptoms are being driven by autoimmune-like processes – this may also explain why a few people report worse symptoms after vaccination, Dunn-Walters added.

She said: “This review re-emphasises the importance of everyone, no matter their age, getting vaccinated against Covid-19. Although there has been a high uptake of the vaccines in the UK so far, a significant number of people still need to come forward for a first or second dose. We must continue to make every effort to reach these people and encourage them to come forward for Covid-19 vaccination.”

oh fuck you, Deborah

tik daudz nezināmā, bet viss vienos vārtos

labi ka par vakcīnu viss ir zināms

kā būtu, Deborah, ka mēs tevi atceramies kādu ilgāku laiciņu, kuce jobanā

01:26 am

tikmēr pre-2020. gada normālie cilvēki netiek pie šīs slimnīcas gultas un nodokļu maksātāji sedz ārstēšanas izdevumus

kā būtu ja, piemēram, vakcinētajiem liegtu ārstēšanu perikardīta gadījumā? uzņemšana slimnīcā tikai ar vakcīn-negatīvu QR kodu

02:25 am

katram pasākuma organizatoram ir plāns, līdz viņa viesi izpiš viesu nama sienā caurumu

tas pats attiecas uz megalikstu

07:35 am

"Kāpēc svarīgi neinficēties un neslimot? Darba un ģimenes dēļ, lai varētu turpināt ierasto dzīvi.", tā galvenais neinficētiesologs un nesaslimtologs Uga Dumpis

"Ja es neesmu inficējies un neesmu saslimis, es tik un tā skaitos nepersona un nevaru turpināt ierasto dzīvi, t.i. bļe tērēt naudu šmotku veikalos un nahuj skrūves pirkt.", tā galvenais nepersonalogs un nevarulogs resort

man ir sods bez nozieguma, kur noziegums ir inficēties un slimot, ko dara daudzi zaļpersonas bez soda

tad nedirs, tad nedirs neaizmirstamais bļuga dumpis ka svarīgi ir neinficēties un neslimot. svarīgi ir vakcinēties or else

kur atbilde ir nē atpisies ja tev bļe mājieni nepielec
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