November 21st, 2021
12:29 pm
"Uzkāpu baltā zirgā un pamēģināju dirsties cibā. Rezultāts 10/10 - slīkstu pežu mežā."
03:42 pm
04:39 pm
My cardiologist will not give me any diagnosis as he is unsure of what is happening in my body but is willing to agree with me that it is Pfizer related. He is unsure of how to treat me or what to advise for further doses.
I am unsure of what to do or how to treat my symptoms. I cannot exercise. Usual household duties are very difficult for me (example - after vacuuming - RR of 30 - HR of 120). I get SOB (shortness of breath) after a shower or unpacking the dishwasher. Constant chest pain/tightness. Struggling to live my normal life or work effectively.
Nākotnē būs jauna diagnozīte, un ja šādi cilvēki būs ilgtspējīgi, tad arī pensijiņa. Aptuveni kā pēc Černobiļas. Bezmaksas vakcīnas beigās izmaksās precīzi $0, kā tagad moderni rēķināt.