08:28 am
vìrietis no vàrda vìruss
01:40 pm
es jau klausos tikai cilvēkos ar medicīnisko izglītību, un viņi visi kā viens saka špricē špricē špricē spricē špricē agresīvs
bet bez vakcīnas nav brīvības, šahs un mats
03:28 pm
The largest decrease in hesitancy between January and May by education group was in those with a high school education or less. Hesitancy held constant in the most educated group (those with a Ph.D.); by May Ph.D.’s were the most hesitant group.
The survey asked people whether they would take a vaccine were it offered to them today. People who said “probably not” or “definitely not” were considered to be vaccine hesitant.
kad tev ir darīšana ar cilvēku, par kuru esi drošs - noteikti smagi gudrāks, un viņš domā par problēmu idiotiski.
So people who can literally "do their own research" have done their own research.
03:33 pm
ieraugi zoom akcijas pirms pusotra gada: jā šitais būs vērtīgs, uz šito var tērēt naudu
ieraugi eksperimentālu šļuru: jā šitais būs vērtīgs, šito var ņemt par velti
03:54 pm
2nd shot can protect against other things
The researchers also discovered that the vaccine caused an unusual group of cells in the blood to increase sharply. This group of monocytes has high levels of antiviral genes and normally accounts for 0.01 percent of the blood in the body. But after the second dose of vaccine, the incidence had increased sharply, accounting for as much as one percent of the blood cells.
Monocīti ir viens no leikocītu jeb balto asins šūnu veidiem.
"What was fascinating was that this cluster increased a hundred times a day after the second injection compared to the incidence one day after the first injection," Bulendran told The Scientist.
According to Bulendran, the monocyte cluster seems to be able to provide protection against several types of viruses.
"It is possible that these cells will have a lasting effect not only against sars-cov-2 but against other viruses as well," he said in the press release.
1%? bļe kas mēs kaut kādi iesācēji? kāpēc ne 100% monocītu asinis? nav jau pirmā reize, kad daba nerubī kas ir labs un kas nav. piemēram paduses mēs arī vaksinējam, bet daba saka, ka jābūt spalvainām
04:16 pm
anti-vaccine movement against corona vaccination is organizing itself on social media.
The group behind the campaign writes that they "do not intend to be part of an experiment with an untested covid-19 vaccine".
A majority of the movement's members work in healthcare
kad tev ir darīšana ar cilvēku, par kuru esi drošs - noteikti smagi gudrāks, un viņš domā par problēmu idiotiski.
they can "think for themselves" and "own their own body" to justify their decision not to get vaccinated. And in the comment sections, they are cheered on by colleagues in healthcare.
es piemēram klausos medicīnas darbiniekos, kuri ir bijuši frontes līnijā visu pandēmijas laiku, katrs nomiruši 365 reizes pēdējā gada laikā, un tagad maukas atsakās no glābiņa
05:40 pm
Healthy Volunteers in Commercial Clinical Drug Trials
... What these details invoke is a picture of healthy
volunteers as generally those from
low income and financially vulnerable backgrounds.
kad esi tik IQ apdalīts, ka jāpiedalās eksperimentā un jāšļircē visāda zaraza
06:45 pm
aptuvena manas izpētes ilustrācija:
⬤ 2x moderna pirms 4 mēnešiem
⬤ reddits saka, ja piepampst paduses, tad pote strādā
⬤ muguras lejasdaļas sāpes pēc dienas laukos
⬤ limfmezgli + muguras sāpes... bļe tā tak limfoma!
⬤ limfa un asinis, nu tur praktiski viens un tas pats
izpētes rezultātus droši publicējam ziņu portālu komentāros kādas divdesmit reizes: kovid vakcīna izraisa asins vēzi
09:32 pm
mēs esam no valdības un esam ieradušies lai palīdzētu
parasti uz valdības atbalstu ir jāpiesakas, jāatbilst kritērijiem u.t.t.
pēkšņi valdība tevi gatava atbalstīt par visām varītēm, vai arī...
nelīmējas grozi kā gribi