04:32 am
please do assume that you are next to someone who may have covid and ensure you are wearing a mask at all times.
12:56 pm
It's not just that it gets through it, it's that it opens it.
So when we're talking about the blood-brain barrier, you can think of this kind of a bunch of little interdigitating fingers between cells, and structures behind them. Their function is kind of a filter.
The brain is a special place, I think most humans can agree with that. We really don't wanna bad stuff getting in there, 'cause it's kind of what makes us human.
Opening up the blood-brain barrier means that things that are in your blood like, say, other viruses, the toxins, all kinds of stuff that normally is sequestered so it can never get into the brain compartment, it suddenly is able to do that. That's bad and it can cause inflammation and all kinds of things, the fluid shifts that occur can cause changes in metal status, potentially can cause things like brain fog.
doktors Roberts Malone, mRNS vakcīnas izgudrotājs, pētījis līdzīgu proteīnu ietekmi uz cilvēka ķermeni
konkrētā pīķa proteīna ietekmi neviena varas iestāde un tām kā izskatās pakļautā medicīnas nozare negrib ne zināt, ne pētīt
ir pieņēmums, ka tas ir labs, un lūdzu pierādi pretējo. skaists pieņēmums gēnu terapijas un cilvēku veselības kontekstā
normāli zāļu ražotājiem ir jāpierāda nekaitīgums, jo pēc noklusējuma visas jaunās zāles ir kaitīgas. šoreiz atkāpjamies no veselā saprāta un daram pretēji
nemaz nerunājot par gēnu terapijas ar striktāku testēšanas protokolu ārkārtas pazemināšanu statusā līdz vakcīnai ar vaļīgāku testēšanas protokolu. realitāte ir kuce, kuru var locīt kā grib
03:38 pm
B.C. heat wave saw 719 people die in one week, says B.C. coroner
Yes but also the premier was quoted saying fatalities are a part of life. SO FUCKEN 800 PEOPLE DIE IN 3 DAYS AND YOU CLOSED THE PROVINCE FOR ALMOST TWO YEARS OVER 1700 70+ YEAR OLDS. FUCK YOU YOU COMMUNIST PIECE OF SHIT.
Heat wave end of July last year temps within 5%, no one died. Yes I suspect it’s vaccine related.
paredzu ka vakcīnas gads noēnos pandēmijas gadu, un pie vainas protams būs normālie cilvēki, kuriem nepiš teātra pēc šļircēties ar samazgu ūdeni
04:53 pm
Canada Unveils Orwellian “Pre-Crime” Hate Speech Bill – “If You Think It, We’ll Arrest You”
The law allows the courts to intervene if a person fears they will be the target of a hatred motivated offense.
So basically it’s like pre-crime. If a potential victim feels that you might hate them, they can apply for what is essentially a restraining order. What’s more, the judge can demand that you surrender weapons, wear a GPS monitor, remain under house arrest, abstain from alcohol, and submit to drug tests.
This is all without being charged, let alone convicted, of any crime.
05:46 pm
It's hard to explain, like it feels as if someone has surgically removed my brain from my own body and put it into someone else's. My arms and legs feel weird, like I can't coordinate my own appendages to do exactly what I want them to in a precise manner that I normally can. Even typing on a computer, my fingers don't quite hit the keys I want them to or I don't press down on a key all the way to where it registers. I walk down stairs and I lose my balance much more easily. Doctors think it's anxiety and stress. I don't usually disagree with medical experts because it's not my area of expertise, but I've dealt with anxiety, social anxiety, agoraphobia, and other stressors my entire life. This is not what this feels like.
pēc vakcīnas vai tad atļauts apstrīdēt medicīnas ekspertu viedokli? man šķita ka jādara kā eksperti saka. ja jādur, tad jādur, ko tur daudz iedziļināties
06:19 pm
Iedzīvotāji, kuri vēlēsies saņemt valsts un pašvaldību iestāžu pakalpojumus klātienē, bet nebūs vakcinējušies vai izslimojuši Covid-19, uz vietas varēs saņemt tikai tos pakalpojumus, kurus attālināti sniegt nav iespējams.
14 dienu kumulatīvā saslimstība Latvijā, uz 100 000 iedz.: 38,2
Augšdaugavas novads: 108
Siguldas novads: 94.7
Ventspils pilsēta: 65.9
Slimību profilakses un kontroles centrs, pamatojoties uz gripas monitoringa datiem, savā tīmekļa vietnē paziņo par gripas epidēmijas sākumu valstī, ja vismaz vienā no gripas monitoringā iesaistītajām teritorijām pacientu skaits, kuriem ir gripa vai pamatotas aizdomas par inficēšanos ar gripu un kuri vērsušies pēc medicīniskās palīdzības, nedēļas laikā pārsniedz 100 pacientu uz 100 000 iedzīvotāju, un gripas epidēmijas beigām valstī, ja vismaz divu nedēļu laikā nevienā no gripas monitoringā iesaistītajām teritorijām šis rādītājs nepārsniedz 100 pacientu uz 100 000 iedzīvotāju.
mēs esam murgā. man drīz datoriekārtas noslīks ezerā
09:11 pm
REMINDER: as of May 1st, there were ZERO US military deaths under the age of 25 out of a population of 1.1 million and roughly 90,000 positive cases. Forced vaccinations for the military are complete horse shit.
As of May 1st there were 24 total active/reserve military deaths out of 2.9 million population. Military deaths are so rare that you can actually find a news article for every single one.
Zero deaths under the age of 25. Exactly ONE death under the age of 30 (out of 1.6 million pop with approx 130K positive tests. And for those saying that mask and safety protocols protected the military, their positivity rate (8%) is only marginally lower than general population. So fuck off.
Most of the 24 deaths were in reservists over the age of 40. Now compare this to the 45,000 military deaths attributable to the Spanish flu. Our military was roughly 3 million people in 1918, so almost exact same size as today. Which means we can directly compare deaths and the Spanish flu was 2,000 times more deadly than Covid to a young healthy person.
špricēt neiropātiju jaunībā ir neprāts, aizbrauciet uz Vaivaru pludmali
11:08 pm
11:14 pm
lielākais iemesls kāpēc cilvēki nepišas ir ka nepatīk. esmu to aprēķinājis ar 2 gadu garantiju