10:43 am
sievietēm priekšroka
uzreiz vieglāk palika...
05:08 pm
I can't even begin to describe the crowd to you either because you probably won't believe me. First of all, there's an overwhelming amount of women, like, way more than men. Second, there are A LOT of younger kids, high school aged. The thing that surprised me the most were how many hispanic people were there, and they were the most outspoken about the vaccine and the political prisoners the left are keeping holed up.
we're in no way alone, EVERYONE knows what's going on.
vumenes ir bāzētas, sieviešu instinkts
07:25 pm
the first person in Canada to be vaccinated against covid-19, has died
there is a certain irony in ruining people's lives for a year and a half so that some old people can live less than a year longer. And here in Canada, that old lady probably couldn't go eat a nice meal before she died anyway. Heck, even if you're vaxxed, in Ontario she would not be able to see family except outside.
But then the bigger picture is, I want to see a comparison of vaxxed vs unvaxxed over the next 5 years. I am literally betting my life that unvaxxed will have a much higher lifespan.
stop, visi izbeidzam kustēties. stāvam mierā. paskat, neviens vairs nemirst no pakrišanas un galvas sasišanas pret poda malu. ļoti labi, labs rezultāts, turpinam stāvēt mierā
07:49 pm
"Mild myocarditis" is a bitch.
Because there is nothing mild about it; if you've had it, you'd know you cant do shit with it as it makes focusing impossible.
1/10000 is frankly a larger number than you think; with vaccination at this scale most people will have a third generation contact that will have it
galerija bļeģ pa trīsdesmit pieci santīmi bļeģ, aiciniet visus
09:26 pm
NEW NORMAL Singapore could become one of the first countries to STOP recording daily Covid case numbers in a bid to get life back to normal by treating the virus "like the flu".
Proposals have been made to let people in Singapore 'get on with their lives'.
ļoti dāsni no atļāvēju puses. valdība no vārda valdīt
“We can't eradicate it, but we can turn the pandemic into something much less threatening, like influenza, hand, foot and mouth disease, or chickenpox, and get on with our lives.”
pandēmija hujandēmija, nebrīnīšos ja skaitļi tiks koriģēti zem sliekšņa
The good news is that it is possible to live normally with it in our midst.
neredzu šādu teikumu neiespējamu pirms gada, bet gribējās paspēlēt dakteros. nāc šurp Anniņ es tev tagad duršu iekšā, o jā Pēterīt dur man vēl, bērni ko jūs tur darāt, neko spēlējam pandēmiju auč auč, Pēterīt beidz, labi es beidzu Anniņ, ko tu izdarīji Pēterīt kā man tagad šito laukā dabūt, nekā Anniņ ej pie īsta daktera or whatever
He has vowed to lift the remaining coronavirus restrictions on July 19 as he plans to make Britain the "most open country in Europe".
cik cēli, mēs jūs izglābsim no mums
But scientists have warned that the pandemic isn't yet over, and that unvaccinated people are Covid "variant factories" who could prolong the pandemic and lead to more restrictions.
liecies vienreiz mierā bakstīt mamutu nomedījušu bipedāli kuram tu neinteresē
More than half of the world's population have not yet had a dose of the Covid vaccine - with some three billion doses administered worldwide.
mēs taču negribētu palikt bez kontroles grupas tik jaunai tehnoloģijai
Mutations may then be able to beat vaccines
jebkura no koronavīrusiem mutācijas pārspēs gēnu terapiju tās zīdaiņa stadijā, bet mēs esam uz pareizā ceļa, attīstot šo tehnoloģiju. ar mēs saprotot jūs. paldies es pagaidīšu kad būs gatavāka. bet tiešām paldies, par upurēšanos zinātnes vārdā
many nations see continuing anti-vax sentiment as many people refuse to get the jab.
ja būs baigi labs piedāvājums ko špricēt iekšā, rīt iešpricēšu
ja rīt nepatiks ko iešpricēju, iešu pie ģimenes ārsta lai vērš visu par labu
visu? jā visu! arī veldrē sakritušu labību, priekš tam dakteri ir lai glābtu visus no visa
bet tāpēc jābūt baigi labam piedāvājumam, piemēram, 64% ka varbūt pasargās no kaut kā, par septiņām collām garāks pimpis izaug, kaste alus un 2 gadu garantija, ka atpisīsies ar to covidu
09:58 pm
Ir dzirdēts, ka zaļā tēja stiprinot imunitāti, tikai man nav skaidrs vai tā plecā jāšpricē, vai kas ar to jādara?