
June 26th, 2021

12:32 am

I had similar neuropathy onset in my legs that graduated to muscle pain and weakness. I did ten sit-ups two months ago when everything started, could barely walk for two weeks after due to pain, and my abs muscles are now weak like they didn’t heal right. I lose muscle if I don’t exercise, but I permanently damage it if I do. I’m screwed. Leg neuropathy started ten days after second Pfizer. When I stretch my muscles start twitching.

My life has been ruined. Shot was in April.

Im really starting to lose it. Im deteriorating waiting to wake up fixed or die. Fuck this bullshit.

Someone needs to come up with a treatment

I have not been able to exercise since my shot, unfortunately.

I am only in my mid-30s :(

I was doing pretty simple movements, stretches, etc. but I would be miserable for the next 7-10 days after each session.

I mowed the lawn last weekend on a hot day and I've been paying for it ever since.

almost as if we are sick and fighting something.

I've been to my doctor multiple times as well as a good Neurologist at a large hospital. She does not have a lot of answers

I’m tired of living like this.

things just feel off. 10/10 would not take again.

both infuriating and scary since there's nothing physical that these can be attributed.

So you recovered mostly?

par drošu "vakcīnu" tik daudz depresijas nevajadzētu atrast vienā threadā

ja injicē dzīvu vīrusu, vai tā ir vakcīna? ja injicē 1:1 pašu slimību, pret ko it kā ir vakcīna, vai tā ir vakcīna?

cik daudzi būs par lepnu, lai atzītu, ka sāp, un izvēlēsies galējo risinājumu? statistika būs... bet cēlonis? nu noteikti ne St. Vakcīna, tikai vēstures grāmatās rakstīs "jā bļe tolaik dzīvoja idioti"

12:45 am

if you ever feel like you "are dying" for any significant period of time, you should definitely contact a doctor.

ā ja? a kāpēc lai kāds tā vispār justos

12:50 am

Going to doc is risky cuz of covid.

to es saprotu, lai atsūta vakcīnu omnivā, es pats iešpricēšu

09:24 am

02:31 pm

it’s recommended that you try to refrain from exercising, drinking a lot of alcohol and doing other things that might increase your heart rate for about a week so it doesn’t affect the heart inflammation.

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