- taa jau likaas
- 5/26/05 03:39 pm
You scored as Hinduism. Your views are most similar to those of... Hinduism! Do some research on Hinduism and possibly consider becoming Hindu, if you aren't already. Hinduism
75% Islam
71% agnosticism
71% Buddhism
67% Judaism
63% Paganism
58% Christianity
54% Satanism
54% atheism
Which religion is the right one for you? (new version)
created with QuizFarm.com- 1 commentLeave a comment
- 5/27/05 01:37 pm
Mans rezutlāts: Satanism 79%
?!?!?! esmu pilnīgā šokā!
Tas vien, ka es ticu, ka "I and only I am responsible for my life" nozīmē, ka es visu noliedzu... varbūt es vienkārši nemāku izteikties... :( - Reply