

19.2.11 16:44 - Deguna & Vaigu pīrsi

Vakar uztaisiju, gan Deguna, gan vaiga pirsus.
durot deguna pīrsu es apraudajos, vaigos gandrīz nejutu.
duršanas datums 18.02.2011
katru dienu ierakstišu izmaiņas lidz sadzišaanas periodam.
1 diena sajutas labas, īpasi nesap, netrauce neviens no viniem, pagaidām normas robežas.

22.3.09 13:10 - Akka/Laa

Vakar sēžot Spokos ieraudizju Tribīnes reklāmu nospiedu un nonācu pie rakstiņa par Akka/Laa un pilnīgi gribējās šos KAKA/ALA īpašneikus pietest pie staba, ja tā labi padomā šo lopu dēļ man pagājušajā gadā aizliedza darbā klausīties mūziku, nu vai zineit un tagad youtube klipus aizliegt??? are ya sick??? labprāt redzētu to advokātu kas viņus paņemtu priekšā un uzvarētu, labprāt būtu šis advokāts kas no šiem izspiestu n'tos miljonus.. lopi tādi..
brīvos interneta resursus kā youtube visā apsaulē izmanto cilvēki lai paspilgtinātu savus rakstus vai domas idkeinā un tagad arī to aizliedz??? kurš tad taisās no tiem lopiem maksāt šiem mūziķiem??? vai tiešām šie kaut santīmu ir mūziķiem atdevuši??? smagas aizdomas ka alas īpašnieks ir totāls lohs un anv dzirdējis ka internetā savtarpēji lapas nevar aizliegt izvietot to kas šiem patīk un tur tās autoratlīdzības tāpat nestrādā, jo vai tad šie tiešām meklēs autoru lai šim samaksātu???
KAKA/ALA liels un Dziļš Fui jums par jūsu sabeidrībai "noderīgo" darbu!!!
kaut jūs visi aizrītos no tiem miljoniem ko ievācat kabatā!!!!!!
Ja kādreiz kāds no KAKAs/ALAS atnāktu uz anu veikalu un gribētu ko noprikt es laikam neizturētu un liktu izvākties uzreiz!!!!
Fuck you KAKA/ALA!!!! izdrāzt jūs visos iespējamos caurumos lopi!!!!!

21.5.08 16:10 - Dual

Jau pusgadu strādāju Dual, esmu tehnoloģiju pārdevējs, darbs gan ir noriebies, jo smagi sēž aknās, bet nu tomēr, labāk ka ir darbs, kā ka tāda nav ;)

19.11.07 20:00 - Need For Speed: Pro Street

žanrs: Racing
Gads: 2007
sižets: braukā pa apli, vinē kompi vai citus cilvēkus ;) pieejams drag race un vienkārši braukāšana pa apli ;)
jaunākā fiča kas kopš porsche unleashed nebija ir tas ka tu vari to mašīnu sasist, žēl ka ne baigi kruti, tikai bik...

12.9.07 20:11 - kickin' it old skool

tiešām forša romantiska komēdija, normāls break dance paraugdemonstrējums, labs sižets.

15.8.07 23:29 - Stephen Kings Needful Things

intresanta filma, ideāla režija, iesaku ;)

13.8.07 13:11 - Worlds most Dangerous drug

nu jā filma ir pamatīgi smaga, meths ir tāda lieta ko vēlreiz nelietošu...

9.8.07 00:19 - Factory Girl

iesakāma filma par kādu meiteni(Edie Sedgwick) kas bija populāra aktrise 60itajos gados, meitene kas piedzima ar miljoniem kabatā, bet savu jaunību nospēlēja mazāk kā 5u gadu laikā... ļoti bēdīgs stāsts, bija slavena, sāka lietot heroinu, aizgāja pa purbuli, vairs nezināja ne malu un 70itajā nomira no pārdozēšanas tikai 28u gadu vecumā...

3.8.07 18:39 - kāda vēstule no kāda foruma.

Sent on behalf of "Kneehighs"

How a timid member was turned into a leader

Dear 4626,

Six years ago I sat isolated in a room thinking I was the only man on earth who liked to wear high heels. I felt alone, timid, and cautious about my interest. Then one day while surfing the internet, I discovered the Adelphia forums for men who like to wear high heels. Back then, I was careful to make sure no one could see my computer screen. I was paranoid that other people that used my computer after me might figure out what sites I was visiting. I was pretty much afraid to wear my high heels outside in public.

Then a few months later, Firefox, Xaphod, Calv, Richie, jagman, and a few others held a heel meet in Belgium.
Together they decided to form the megaforum, which lasted from December of 2001 until August of 2006 under the ownership of Jeff.

For a couple of years, I skimmed the forums and posted here and there. I was a moderately passive member, still handicapped by my own internal reservations.

The USA's first Heel Meet in NYC

Until March 2005 arrived. That was the month of the first ever heel meet in the United States held in NYC. Gary0618 organized the meet and about 7 people showed up. I thought meeting people online was much more powerful was it to meet these people in Real Life.

That month marked a turning point in my contributions to hhplace. Since that month, I am still close friends with Gary0618 and crotchhiboots and am consistently contributing to our community in any way I can. 4 of the 5 most viewed threads in the For the Guys section were started by me.

I say these thing not to impress you, but to impress upon you how powerful a tool the heel meet was in spurring my latent heeling genius to life. Soon after the March meet, I met HeelD and Ken.

The birth of the Annual World Heel Meet

At this time I realized I was onto something. If heel meets were this powerful a healing device in my life, how powerful could they be for others too? So I went to the drawing board, and the World Heel Meet 2006 was born. But this wasn't to be just any heel meet, this was to be an Annual Heel Meet, that would grow and grow and get better and better and bigger and bigger every year. Look at what some people had to say about the 2006 meet:

a3 from Holland said it, "The main this is; is was a great succes to meet the members from different countrise and even to talk to. And the support of the hole group while walking in publick. The take from some of us to put there experience to the rest is nice."

Robert from Gouda said, "About a month ago I decided to go to the meet, because the number of attendees was growing and the nationalities became divers. I thought this was going to be a special meet, and it has been."

heeluis said, "The next day as the others were still sleeping I decided to take a morning walk to check if I still could walk on heels and I have to say : it was edgy. My feet were still sour.
A guy who was standing next to me at a red light, suddenly asked me:
Excuse me sir, can I ask you a question? Are those high heels? Can I see them?
I showed him my white boots and he told me: great! How can you walk on those? Aren't your feet sour? I lied of course! was a great weekend indeed.

19 people from countries all over the world attended the World Heel Meet 2006, which was an record then.

The 2d Annual World Heel Meet

I knew that if I wanted my original vision to become a reality, I would have to work it year after year after year. So I organized the World Heel Meet 2007 . 28 people from 7 countries wound up attending that meet.

iloveboots from Vancouver said , "Without a doubt, a wonderful 3 days. As the folks from Mastercard put it....

............plane tickets to London from Vancouver, $800

.............hotel in London £60

..............A night at Torture Garden £25

................A day at the Miller £8

....................New friendships PRICELESS!!!
In fact, iloveboots like the meet so much, that he is part of the Organizational Campaign for the 2008 meet now...and doing a wonderful job to boot.

Pumps said it was, "I was really cool meeting you guys and it was really cool going out to bars in heels. Never did that before
Never tired on womens shoes in store before."

Fog said, "Yes, like everyone else who posted we had a great time. Morgan M lived up to my hopes and expectations. Just as well as I'd suggested it to Kneehighs. The Miller also was a great venue. We spent the whole afternoon sitting in the sunshine and chatting. We had no great desire to go shopping and were feeling a bit weary from a hard week, so beer (Ruddles) sunshine and chatting were just the thing."

ramon020 from Amsterdam thought the food at The Miller was a success.

All in all, the heel meets have been a resounding success. They have given members the chance to wear high heels in public for the first time, try heels on in stores for the first time, wear heeels to restaurants and bars for the first time, and forge relationships with other like minded freestyers for the first time.

World Heel Meet 2008: London, Saturday Feb. 16th

It is with this in mind that iloveboots and I cordially invite you to the World Heel Meet 2008 in London. We have exclusive use of The Miller from 10:30-17:00, and as you read above, The Miller received good reviews from past attendees. Best of all, The Miller gives the timid freestyler the private and confidential environment with which to experiment with wearing hihg heels in front of others.

You can read updated details here about who is attending. As well, be sure to read the Official Thread for the World Heel Meet here.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to write either myself, iloveboots, admirer5577, or Dr Shoe with your questions.

On behalf of the World Heel Meet 2008 Committee, we look forward to meeting you in person.

30.7.07 14:51 - The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning

ideāla šausmene ;) dikti patika ;) scenārijs perfekts utt ;)

30.7.07 11:19 - "300"

filma ko varētu ieteikt, bet ar brīdinājumu cilvēkiem ar Vājiem nerviem skatīties aizliegts, pārāk daudz asiņai skatu un neiedomājamu monstru... kauja kaujas galā un bez gala intresanta...

15.7.07 19:38 - high times sux!!!

nolādētais fests!!! dabuju pa galvu 2x, satraumēju muguru... ir psc... acs uzpampusi, zobs nolauzts, zhoklis sāp... neko no festa neatceros, jo 2x norāvos 5dien un 6dien tā kā no atmiņas izdzēsts.

8.7.07 17:54 - ko es dariju 5,6dien

nebiju blomē, nē mīlīši ;)
biju tepat Rīgā :D
ar Vampu un rockganu tusējos.
arī nepiedzēros vakar, bet tā vietā noskatijos "28as dienas vēlāk", aizgāju uz tatoo salonu sarunāt laiku ;) un beigās vienkārši ar kristu un vampu tusējāmies.

1.7.07 22:49 - beidzot izņēmu...

nu ko šon izņēmu gadu veco pašplūkto zaļo mantiņu un ievilku arī, velns tā manta bija laba ;) pilnīgi tīra un skaidra ;)

1.7.07 19:01 - The Dead One [2007]

šodien noskatijos šito filmu, baigi labā, stāsts par kādu cilvēku ar acteku asinīm, aks pirmoreiz par acteku nāves dievu uzzin agrā jaunībā, pēcāk nēsā simboliku, krāso seju kā nāves dieva pravietis un īstenībā ir ticīgais dievam arī, būtībā viņš visam tic, tad kādu dienu viņš atvadas no meitenes un tieši halvīnos, viņš brauc ar auto un ietriecas stabā, nomirst un pēc gada atdzimst, nesaprot kur ir un līdz ierauga kas par gadu, gadu iepriekš viņš bija nomiris, viņš aiziet tālāk un ierauga ka bariņš viņa draugu un radu apraud viņa kapu... nu viņš sāk saprast ka ir mrisis... un sākas viss intresantais...
tā kā noskataties ;) silti iesaku ;)

ps viņu var nokāčāt "".

1.7.07 18:52 - eh netikšu... Wackenu... žēl jau... bet darbs 1ajā vietā... ja dabūšu cerētajā vietā tad ideāli, bet ja nē, tad neko darīt...

29.6.07 16:44 - gribi būt gladiātors?

intresanta spēle, galvenais ka var spēlēt mierīgi nesteidzoties, uzlikt lai strādā un pats pa to laiku kautko citu padarīt, šis ir mans links, lai pievienotos manā apakšgrupā ;)
nekas nav jāmaksā spēlē pa velti, var jau paņemt premium kontu un pirkt gemus lai ātrāk tiktu pie glauniem ieročiem, bet var iztikt ar auctionu un vienkārši veikalu, kur visi citi lietotāji savu produkciju pārdod, var atrast, pat ļoti lētu.
cīnies arēnā vai ar mītiskiem monstriem un vienkārši karavīriem opcijā pa labi(ir 2as opcijas kur iet) vienkārši trenēties, pirkt ieročus, iet uz arēnu vai pa labi nospiežot daudzas vietas kur kauties ar kautko kas parādīsies pretīm ;)
diezgan tā laiku netērējoši.

28.6.07 19:08 - American hardcore

noskatijos šo filmu, bija forši, lai gan nekā īsti jauna nezināju, tomēr bija laba filma.
iesaku ;)

28.6.07 00:29 - Idiocracy

tiešām viena no labākajām filmām kas pēdējā laikā iznākusi...
iesaku ;)
pēdējā laikā ir redzēti tik daudz mēslu komēdiju ka šī pat konkrēti pārspēja tās visas ;)

26.6.07 15:04 - Super Sweet 16

filma ir tikpat salda kā pats viņas nosuakums- beigās jau bija baigi garlaicīgā...

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