June 29th, 2005
- 6/29/05 11:55 am
You scored as Hurt Eye.
You are the Hurt eye. You are very sentimental and hate breakups and goodbyes. Your worst fear is that one day the girl you love will just up and leave you.
Hurt Eye
60% Starry Eye
60% Crying Eye
40% Dramatic Eye
40% Sexy Eye
30% Angry Eye
20% - 0 commentsLeave a comment
- Rīta Ainava
- 6/29/05 01:42 pm
- Cilvēki nav! Arī cepinošā saule šeit nav paredzēta. Koši zaļās debesis ir pietiekoši gaišas. Zila neaizmirstulīšu pļava kā mīksts palags pārklāj zemes virsmu. Netraucēti aizlido balts tauriņš un skat', pazib pūkainas ļipiņa,re, kādas spicas austiņas. Kušš. Tikai netraucē! Rozā zaķīšīem ir jāpūš ziepju burbuļi, jāuzmeklē koku lapotnēs sulīgi burkāni un jāturpina vairoties. Pavisam noteikti šī nebija sala vai mistiska planēta. Varbūt kāda milzīga siltumnīca, kas paredzēta labratoriskiem pētijumiem. Taču rozā zaķīši neuztraucas. Viņiem ir labi... ;)
- 5 commentsLeave a comment
- 6/29/05 11:05 pm
You are an Exotic Dancer. You are the sexy boy in the group, you love to play with people's minds, you never show your true intents to anyone, you like to have a lot of friends so you don't get bored and this goes the same with girls, you don't like the strict girls who gives you orders like he owns you, nobody does, cuz you were born free and nothing would change that. - 2 commentsLeave a comment