Jūnijs 6., 2003
putnupr | 23:58 - spaarnusajuuta apbriinojama laimes sajuuta. debeshkjiigi apburbuljojoshi burviigi :))))) klusais skaljais gavileejums :) Daljeeji izraisiits by Burviiga Skanja. Iegaadaajos kompim Ausis, kuras skan.. Kuras _skan_ . Nekad muuzika nau bijusi tik tuvu man klaat tiiri fiziski.
Joprojaam klausos N.Cave "Murder ballads"...
(..) For the tree of life is growing Where the spirit never dies And the bright light of salvation Up in dark and empty skies When the cities are on fire With the burning flesh of men Just remember that death is not the end When you search in vain to find Some law-abiding citizen Just remember that death is not the end Not the end, not the end Just remember that death is not the end Not the end, not the end Just remember that death is not the end
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