silence is sexy - Komentāri

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Maijs 23., 2003

nu kā, pēc Fromma, nekrofīlija - nedzīvā mīlestība; piemīt parasti vīriešiem, kas mīl piem. automašīnas, datorus, stundām ap moci ķimerējas, interesējas par ieročiem, karu, vs. biofīlija, kas piemīt parasti sievietēm, kas jūsmo par dzīvo: puķēm, mazuļiem, šausminās no nelaimēm. Manuprāt kā MP tā exloceklis ir tipisks nekrofīlijas paraugs.
Palasies šito te izvilkumu no Fromma:

(..)Man will tend to grow up in two grand ways or alternatives of behavior: that of expresivity of his "positive" potentialities (ra-tionality, love, care and respect of himself and others, and life in general: biophilia or humanism) or that of his "negative" potentialities (irrationality, fear, afraid, rancor, hatred, destructivity: necrophilia or autotharism). That is, according to which the predominant social character people will tend to have this or that way of being of thinking, i.e., this or that charac-ter of being wheter biofilic or necrophilic type. And so it as character would determine the way of satisfying existential needs as it is the case of that of tracendence and/or the need of a devotion frame need, that is, of religion.

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