- 23.6.24 10:35
"In his March, he [William of Normandy] heard that this City of Oxford had rebelled against him, which obliged him to go a little out of his way to still them ; when he came thither, he found the Citizens resolved to defend themselves, being environed with a strong Wall ; whereupon he having no Way to gin it but by a Siege, he took a View of it round, in order to his attacking of it. In his Way one of the besieged got upon the Walls, and pulling down his Breeches let a Fart at him, which when he was informed of, he burst out into a Passion, and swore, he would avenge the Affront, which he soon did ; for he took it at the first Attack, and left it to be harassed and plundered by his Soldiers, who slew not only many Citizens, but Academicks ; yet the present Sufferings were not the sole bad Effects of the Rebellion."