- pirms šķērsot Kerčas tiltu, kravas auto izmeta līkumu līdz Armavirai, kādreiz čerkesu (adigu) terito
- 8.10.22 16:22
'The Circassian genocide,[3][4][5][6][7] or Tsitsekun,[a][b] was the Russian Empire's systematic mass murder, ethnic cleansing, and expulsion of 80–97%[3][7] of the Circassian population, around 800,000–1,500,000 people,[3][4][5] during and after the Russo-Circassian War (1763–1864).[1][9][10] The peoples planned for removal were mainly the Circassians, but other Muslim peoples of the Caucasus were also affected.[9] Several methods used by Russian forces such as impaling and tearing the bellies of pregnant women were reported.[1][11] Russian generals such as Grigory Zass described the Circassians as "subhuman filth", and glorified the mass murder of Circassian civilians,[12][13] justified their use in scientific experiments,[14] and allowed their soldiers to rape women.[1]'
'As of 2021, Georgia was the only country to recognize the Circassian genocide.'