- 18.2.22 17:00
formica"..we will have this crisis with us – in its various forms – for at least the next two years. These political initiatives mark but the start of a drawn-out, high-stakes, phase of a Russian effort to shift the European security architecture into a new form which the West presently rejects. The Russian aim will be to keep the pressures, and even the latency, of war ever-present, in order to harass war-averse Western leaders to make this necessary shift."
https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2022/02/14/nord-stream-geopolitics-o f-keeping-germany-down-russia-out-and-in stability-ukraine/
"Essentially, Russia doesn’t want, or need Ukraine; there is no plan to occupy it."
https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2022/02/07/turmoil-will-continue-unt il-modified-global-order-emerges/