no more surprises here / recidīvs
Apr. 20th, 2008 | 12:46 pm
who you are
after these late years
of lust, drugs and music
no more surprises
the work you are
time is compressed
no more hobbies
no more surprises
adulthood is here
with its planned life
no more hopes for air
no more surprises
friends are leaving, hiding
having children
not seeking of meaning
no more surprises
no more drugs
no more life
no more sexual borders
no more surprises
of this life
of this gray society
of bored eyes around
no more motivation
to seek for more
as all is seen and had
no more surprises
more time
more aims
more sun
more amore
after these late years
of lust, drugs and music
no more surprises
the work you are
time is compressed
no more hobbies
no more surprises
adulthood is here
with its planned life
no more hopes for air
no more surprises
friends are leaving, hiding
having children
not seeking of meaning
no more surprises
no more drugs
no more life
no more sexual borders
no more surprises
of this life
of this gray society
of bored eyes around
no more motivation
to seek for more
as all is seen and had
no more surprises
more time
more aims
more sun
more amore
saite | Ir ko teikt | Add to Memories
Apr. 20th, 2008 | 11:10 pm
brīžos, kad domāsi - šobrīd tu pierādi dzīvi - kad krogā dzer šņabi vai svešā dzīvoklī pisies uz grīdas - paskaties logā - tur jau viņš stāv - un arī pārējie - garām acīm piespiežas stiklam - čeburaška un donalds daks, rūķu karalis, vaktiņš un pirmā skolas diena, pirmais divritenis škoļņiks, un glāze silta piena, tētis jocīgā miera stājā - un domā - kad tad vienreiz beigs ākstīties - un kad tad vienreiz nāks mājā
(A. Krivade)
(A. Krivade)